Library Haul 30-1-2020

Library Haul 30-1-2020

Evening everyone~

Welcome to a new shiny Library #1 Haul! Thankfully I felt well enough to visit (though I am totally knackered now, but so worth it).

My previous haul.. well, let’s say I tried the books. They weren’t a success, none of them. So I needed some fresh blood, um books in my life to make me happy again. I was looking forward to going to Library #1, who knows what new they may have added.

Well, the short answer? Nothing. Long answer, nothing I liked or that seemed interesting. Thankfully, there is a whole library there so I had fun going to my favourite spots and seeing if there was anything there that looked interesting, and voila. I found books! Quite a few even. Including two comics that are hard to find. One is a series I want to buy very soon, but that will have to wait until next month. Since I just can’t wait that long if I know there is a volume of the series around, I brought it along with me. 😛

All in all, I am happy with my haul! Definitely worth feeling like a dead corpse at the moment. 🙂

Stats: 7 books. 3 non-fiction, 2 comics, 2 fiction.

NOTE: Two of the books aren’t on Goodreads, will add the books there (and to the list here) when I read them.

Bibliotheek Delft, Library #1, Books, Stack of Books

The Stolen Ones by Vanessa Curtis
Rariteiten by John Bigwood
Dood zaad by Wim Duijst
Kids Fight Plastic by Martin Dorey
Paarden, zwaarden en rare baarden by Fik Meijer, Jan Paul Schutten
De buurtpolitie #7 by Nix
Kort en Triest #5 by Jean-Marc van Tol

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