My Year in Reading/Reviewing 2019

My Year in Reading/Reviewing 2019

Hello all,

Welcome to My Year in Reading/Reviewing 2019~

You guys already know about most of my reading stats, so in this one we will mostly talk about my blog stats with some reading stats as the Year in Reading Goodreads didn’t have all the stats.

This year I used a book diary/journal for the very first time and boy, while it wasn’t always easy to remember writing in it, I loved it so much. It made everything easier as Goodreads is just there to make everything much harder. I loved using stickers and markers to make everything more brighter and fun and now I have a very colourful journal that I will be putting on my shelves now that 2020 is here.

Let’s get to all my stats~

How much did I read + in what languages? 

You can check this post to see how much I read. Out of that number of books 604 were English, 660 were Dutch. I am kind of surprised that it was this close to each other, often it felt like I was reading more Dutch than English. A very happy surprise!

How many 5+ starred books did I have this year?

This year I had 27 five+ starred books! Wow!

How much did I review?

I have written 532 reviews in total (not counting several books that are in series and I just reviewed in one bundle instead of writing a review for each book). This number also includes the 11 books that are scheduled to be posted this year (2020) with the first one being posted on January 11th.

This does mean I have written 180 less reviews this year than I did in 2019. I read more… but I reviewed less. Then again, there were just many times that words didn’t come out and I couldn’t write a review.

What were the stats per language (as I review in Dutch and English)?

Out of 532 reviews:

131 reviews were Dutch

401 reviews were English (and some of these reviews might come from Dutch books that were originally English, and thus I decided to review them in English).

How many posts did I post this year? And which one was the most popular?

I wrote 1399 posts this year~ Wow, that is a lot, but seeing that the previous year (2018) I had 1630, I guess I did write less again. My posts have gone up yearly, but in 2019 it just went down. I guess for most that had to do with me writing less reviews. 180 less reviews makes quite a dent in a yearly posts count.

Out of those posts 262 were Blog Tours/Cover Reveals, and other Bookish Promo posts. I can’t wait to see what fun Blog Tours and Bookish Promos I participate in this year.

My most popular post of 2019 with 279 views is my review for Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? Vol.3.

Some more on reviewing.

As I said, I am quite surprised that this year I have reviewed less but read more. I still love reviewing, but at times I just don’t get the words out and, something that happens as well… I don’t dare to write a review as I am afraid of the comments. These days people are so easily offended by the tiniest of things and it is quite stressful for me to constantly be on my toes, even saying a character was terrible for (insert many valid reasons) can get me hurtful comments.


I am delighted with what I read, and also my life has been very good this year. I moved to a new house, I got married, I went on a wonderful honey moon. Yes, it was a busy year, but boy it is one of the best years in my life. I read quite a bit and had so much fun finding new books. Then there is Netflix which gave me plenty of wonderful shows this year. Sadly, I watched less and less anime again this year. I do want to watch more, but it seems anime is just less interesting to me. Hopefully I will find the spark again, the one that I have had for years.

As for reading resolutions this year?

Just continue with how I am doing now. I am constantly surprised by the numbers I read. I should be used to it by now, I am sure I have been reading huge amounts for years, way before Goodreads was able to show me my stats. I just love reading, and so I will keep on reading. Everything and anything that seems fun. I have read plenty of wonderful picture books in 2019 and I am excited to see what 2020 will bring in regards to this.

As for reviewing resolutions this year?

This year I am going for 2019’s resolutions again. Try to be happy with my reviews.


I am so glad that in 2019 I discovered the wonder that is a book diary/journal to keep track of my books. Goodreads has been so buggy, and while it eventually did smooth out to be just as on track as my journal, it has had some difficulties throughout the year. This year again I got a journal (this time pink with flowers) and I will keep track of everything again, even the books I reread twice in a row (sometimes I read a book aloud to my husband).
I had fun making not one, but two posts. One about my blog + reading and one specifically about my Year in Goodreads Reading. I hope to make these two posts again at the end of this year.

I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. In many ways. Reading, blogging, life. I hope it will be a wonderful year.

That rounds up this post, thank you all for reading and visiting. I hope all my readers and followers have an absolutely amazing 2020 with tons of fun reads and wonderful new stories.

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