Library Haul 22-2-2020 (Library #2 + Library #3 combined!)

Library Haul 22-2-2020 (Library #2 + Library #3 combined!)

Hey everyone!

Yuki Nagato, Haruhi Suzumiya, Kyon, GIF, Anime

Welcome all to a very awesome (be prepared) Library #2 and #3 haul! dances

I am quite tired after a long day so keeping it short.

Today we first went to Library #3. It was time for Pokemon Go Community Day and Library #3’s city is perfect for that as there are plenty of stops and gyms. Before we went for some Pokemon Go-ing, we visited the library. This time I was lucky (or more lucky than normal) at the Children’s/YA section. I found 3 books! After that I decided to just go to the comic/GN section and see if I could find books there. And I did! I found the second book in a series I just started some months ago, and delightfully they had the newest Ekhö (I have been looking at Library #3 for 2 months now when I found out the newest book was out in the stores). I also found a nice batch of new graphic novels to read.

After walking around and Pokemon Go-ing we went to Library #2 and brought back a big pile of books (really, my poor shopping trolley, though he cried a lot more after I was done finding books and picking up my reservations :P). I had a lot of fun finding new books, including plenty of new picture books that I hope I will enjoy. After that I had 11 reservations waiting for me, yep, the reservations are coming in big numbers again which makes me happy. I just love it when I know books I want are waiting for me.

I got so many books and I don’t know what I will read first. Oh dear! Well, guess I will first finish that book (The Cosmic Atlas of Alfie Fleet) that I got from Library #1 on Thursday before picking any of these new babies.

Stats: 41 books. 12 comics/graphic novels, 6 non-fiction, 11 picture books, 12 fiction.

NOTE: A lot of these aren’t on Goodreads, I will add them to the catalogue when I read them and will update the links here.

First stack = Library #3, Second and third stack = Library #2.

Library #3, Bibliotheek Den Haag, Stack of Books, comic, graphic novel, children's books, fokke & sukke, so many books

Bibliotheek Zoetermeer, Library #2, Books, Stack of Books, Cooking, Fiction, Children's Books, Winter, Feminism, Travel

Bibliotheek Zoetermeer, Library #2, Books, Stack of Books, picture books, comics, photography, atlas

The Switching Hour by Damaris Young
Flin of de verloren liefde van een eenhoorn by Henry Lloyd
Jemima Small Versus the Universe by Tamsin Winter
Fokke & Sukke aan de praat by John Reid
Het zotte geweld by Joris Vermassen
Naasten by Melanie Kranenburg, Niek van Ooijen, Maaike Haan
Weg by Nynke Kuipers
Ekhö 8 by Christophe Arleston
Violette Morris #1 by Bertrand Galic
Politie 24/7 #2 by Patrick Oppen
Te mooi om waar te zijn by Aurélien Ducoudray
Detox #1 by Jim, Antonin Gallo

time to momo: Brussel by Jill Tersago
Crash-alarm by Tony Bradman, Tom Bradman
Veel liefs by Beth O’Leary
Orsippus en de klas van meester Ollie by Kristine Groenhart
Dief in de straat by Anke Kranendonk
Heb je nou al een vriend? by Marie Lotte Hagen
Duivels spel by Inge Verbruggen
Adder by Bex Hogan
Zoutelande by Linda van Rijn
The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf
Het grote kinderkookboek by Karin Luiten
Het wonderlijke winterboek by many authors/illustrators

Mangus en zijn superkat by Sebastiaan van Doninck, Kim Crabeels
Ik prik by Kim Crabeels
De grote verkleedpartij by Sophie Schoenwald, Gunther Jacobs
Olifant is verliefd by Davide Calì
De vogel op mijn schouder by Nibylle Delacroix
Blue leert weer vliegen by Britta Teckentrup
Giechelvisjes & knuffeldiefjes by Carry Slee
Beer of geen beer by Karl Newson
De man in de wolken by Koos Meinderts
Het telboek van prins Hayo de Gelukkige by Edward van de Vendel
Biebel #6 by Marc Legendre
Voetbalgek #2 by Jack
The Champions #9 by Gurcan Gursel
Het magisch avontuur by Marianna Oklejak
Landscape Photography by Saskia Boelsums
Reis rond de wereld by Elisabeth Dumont-Le Cornec

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