Review for Ronaldo: Rudi’s Birthday Extravaganza

Review for Ronaldo: Rudi’s Birthday Extravaganza

Reindeer, Balloons, Grass, Party, Magician, Party Hats, Children's Books, Illustrations, Maxine Sylvester,Ronaldo the Flying Reindeer #3, Ronaldo: Rudi's Birthday Extravaganza,I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.

It took me some months, but finally I read this one. This was very cute and nice, I am glad I had the chance to read it. Thanks to the author for providing a digital copy for me~

I am tad tired, so I will do a review as I read then edit it some when I am finished.

In this one a lot of things happen. First up Rudi is wounded and needs to go to the doctor. Boy, I totally agreed with him when I saw the doctor and that humongous needle. What the peep doctor? Why is that needed? Even lollipops wouldn’t bribe me then. 😛 I had a big laugh when Rudi did that though, mmm, not the best plan, but I can totally relate. I can see myself do that as well. Teehee.

I had a laugh at how much cake Ronaldo was eating in this book. I wondered if he could still fly with all that cake. Then again, if I was presented with delicious cake… yeah, I would probably stuff my face with it as well. Go Ronaldo. I found it really sweet what he offered to do for that lady. Ronaldo is such a good person, not many boys his age may have offered that, but he did. Good job.
Yes, you cannot fool your parents, Ronaldo. Believe me. Parents just know. I remember that very well. Plus, if your body is betraying you… well that also doesn’t help. 😛 Cake farts ftw!

I loved the Flying School, I love that not just can the couple of Santa reindeer fly, any reindeer can try! The training camp/workshop sounds amazing, and I am delighted that his parents agree it was a good idea. They didn’t even think about the cost, which is something you often see when a kid wants to go to a camp.
I loved the exam and I loved that Ronaldo had such an important role. He definitely deserves it, he works hard, is eager, wants to learn, and is good. Unlike some of his other classmates…

I was NOT a fan of the bullies. Then again, from what I remember I was also not a fan of them in the previous books. They need to learn a serious lesson. Quick.
I was a bit sad and disappointed that apparently it took until 72% (according to my copy) before he was confronted by Mrs. Sorrenson about it. I thought Ronaldo would have been more honest.

I loved what he did for his best friend. That is just the sweetest. And I loved the party it was tons and tons of fun, though I wonder why the book is called Rudi’s Birthday Extravaganza. Sure, the book talks about it a few times here and there, but the actual party isn’t until 81% of my copy…

The art is still a bit hit/miss for me. At times I love the style, at other times it just isn’t for me. Not to say it is bad, not at all.

As you can see I had tons of fun reading this book, it was just such a blast! The writing style is wonderful and sweet, I love the characters (well, except the bullies), there is humour and friendship, and I just love flying reindeer and cakes. I would recommend this one.

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