Review for The Fantastic and Terrible Fame of Classroom 13

Review for The Fantastic and Terrible Fame of Classroom 13

The Fantastic and Terrible Fame of Classroom 13, Classroom 13, Honest Lee, Matthew J. Gilbert, Joëlle Dreidemy, Children, Tennis, Country Singer, Soccer, Cityscape, Humour, Children's Books, Multiple POVThe kids in Classroom 13 get the chance to be famous… but is fame so wonderful?

OMG, this series just gets better and better! I am loving it more and more. Each book has such a fun story, fabulous characters (though I wasn’t a fan of Lucy in this one), and more.

In this book the kids have a chance to get famous when their teacher’s cousin pops up. Meet Lucy LaRoux, agent for the stars… or well I think she is more famous for sucking stars dry. She is a greedy (and mean) woman and she cares more about herself than the kids and their talents. Thankfully she didn’t bother me too much to get in the way of the story, and it helped that the kids were strong enough to say no to her or to tell her off if she went too far with things. That made me really happy.

I love the format that each kid (and the classroom + the hamster) gets their say, that we see what each person is doing. I had fun reading each of the kid’s adventures in fame-land and how they fared. I have to say that I did feel sorry for quite a few of them as they had do some really eh things for the fame and many found out that fame isn’t everything (which I could have told them despite not having done anything in the fame department). But it was also fun to see what each of their talents was and how some got really far.
My favourites? Emma with her magic, Ethan and his basketball, Teo and his streaming, Chloe for what she tried to do.

I am still not a too big fan of Hugo or Yuna’s POV. Why? Hugo’s in French… While I can read some basic French and so I get pretty far, it is still a bit of a struggle to read this and it does pull away from my enjoyment. And Yuna’s always has to be special by being in some code. This time backwards. Sorry, but I am just not in the mood for that.

I loved that this time we saw what the Classroom could do. And that makes things very very interesting as it may be a hint for what can happen in the future.

The ending had me delighted. Go class go!

All in all, this was such a blast and I am kind of sad that I only got one more book to still read before I have to buy the last one (for now). I would highly recommend this one to everyone in need for a funny and great series.

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