Sunday’s TBR Updates ~16-2-2020

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~16-2-2020

Afternoon all!

Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates! I hope everyone had a wonderful week and is having a great weekend~

This was a pretty OK week with a wonderful Valentines Day. Sadly, my body is still not too happy, I am tired a lot. Not sure if I am getting yet another flu or if my body is just being a hater. Maybe both? 😛
On Valentines Day my hubby took me to see the Sonic Movie (if you haven’t seen it I would highly recommend it) and then we had a lovely dinner. It was really romantic❤. So, if you are reading this, thanks babe!
Reading-wise it was a good week, I read plenty of fun and interesting books, got through my giant stack of picture books. I had like 14 picture books still to read and I just couldn’t get through it, but this week I tackled that, only to replenish it with this week’s Library #2 (and #1) Haul.

What did I read from my TBR Pile? 100% Florence (really lovely to visit Florence, tons of yummy food and gorgeous places), 100% Istanbul (took me a bit to really get to reading this one, pretty interesting to read), time to momo Napels (this was gorgeous and I got hungry reading it), Lieve Rachel (a supersweet and interesting book and I learned a lot about old The Hague), The Adventures of a curious Cat (adorable, cute, a bit repetitive but still so much fun, Zelda is wonderful), Dansen tussen golven traangas (stunning and heartbreaking book, I loved the characters), Cats (tons and tons of cute cat photographs that will melt you in adorableness).

I dropped Match. I tried it, but there were just too many characters and I couldn’t relate/like any of them.

Here is a new stack of books! Three new books got delivered this week, yes I know I said I would add them to the previous stack, but I decided to just wait until this one. I got tons of new library books yesterday so I am eager to read those. Today’s plans are Supersint, Time to momo Krakau, and Tropenbruid. Yay!

TBR, Books, Reading, Stack of Books, A Darker Shade of Magic, Dead Voices, Slay, King of Crows, Children's Books, Non-fiction, Young Adult, Adult

And that concludes today’s Sunday’s TBR Updates! Thanks for reading and I want to wish everyone a very happy Sunday. For those in my country and around us, be safe with storm Dennis raging outside.

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