Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 23-2-2020

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 23-2-2020

Afternoon all!

Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Happy Sunday all, welcome to a new and BIG Sunday’s TBR Updates.

A very calm week, which I could appreciate. Yes, I kind of miss the festivities, but it was also very busy and at times a bit stressful. Now I could just relax and take it easy (well, I say that but in the mean time I still running around and doing all the things). My body is still not 100% OK, but no flu as of yet so I am happy. After 2 times flu + 1 time stomachflu in 2 months I am done with that damned flu stuff.
Reading-wise it was a very nice week. I read plenty of books that are now favourites (The Bees and Tropenbruid), read some picture books, so yeah, this week was really nice.

What did I read from my TBR Pile? time to momo: Krakau (which was pretty fun and interesting to read), The Black Flamingo (a gorgeous and stunning book that I loved), Zombies are People, Too (hilarious and a bit sad, loved seeing Arnold again), The Bees (OMG, this was beautiful and heartbreaking), Charlie Morphs into a Mammoth (funny, full of animals, friendship and more, loved it), time to momo: Athene (another fun travel book though I was a bit bored at times), Tropenbruid (wow, just wow, this was wonderful), Dead Voices (still not going past mirrors at night, a delightfully spooky read), Supersint (finally had the book and I loved it to bits, Sinterklaas is a superhero).

I tried and dropped: The Girl With Space in Her Heart and A Sky Painted Gold and time to momo Belgische Kust, all three just didn’t work for me, sadly.

Here is a new stack of books and it is a giant one this time! Including many of my library books from yesterday + 3 books that got delivered this week. Today’s plans include The Lottery Winners of Classroom 13, Weg, Landscape Photography, and Orsippus.

And that concludes this week’s Sunday’s TBR Updates! Thank you all for reading! I hope everyone has an amazing upcoming week, may it be filled with many books just like my week will be. And like last week, people in my country please be safe with new storm that is raging here.

2 thoughts on “Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 23-2-2020

    1. It is, and a bit daunting given its size. 😶 Thank you, I hope you also have a lovely week! You’re welcome, and thank you~ 😍

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