Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 9-2-2020
Afternoon all,
Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates, oh and happy weekend all!
What a wonderful week this was. Books, my birthday (see what I got in my Birthday Book Haul) which was totally amazing, my husband had a wonderful day planned, and there were also some other things that made the week totally wonderful. And I can’t wait for this coming week, Valentines Day!!!
In regards to reading, well I had plenty of fun. I read some really fun/interesting/hilarious books and I travelled all over the world.
What did I read from my TBR Pile? 100% Praag (it was pretty fun though I would have liked more photographs), time to momo New York (now I want to go even more to NY), time to mom Ibiza (not really a place I would go in real life, but loved reading about it), time to momo Hamburg (interesting and fun + it got me hungry with some delicious restaurant recommendations), Dood Zaad (OMG, this was such a gem, that ending shock), Rariteiten (fun and lovely illustrations but also frustrating and gave me (and hubby) a headache), Scummy Mummies (hilarious and fun to read with some real tips as well), Fokke & Sukke both books (I love these themed books from F&S and these two had me laughing so hard), Zeep (too much drama (silly ones at that) and eh characters), Buck – de eerste man op aarde (weird and strange but gorgeous art).
I tried… and didn’t drop but I did go to Amazon to buy the English version, De bijen. I just loved what I read in Dutch, but the names didn’t work for me, so I went and ordered it.
Here is a new pile, which I will update this coming week as I am expecting around 4 books to be delivered. Three pre-orders and that book I talked about in the above sentence. I still haven’t read Hand on the Wall, argh! I guess I will be reading that one this week, hopefully. I also got a bunch of new library books that I want to try out, yes more travel books I am in a travel mode.
And that is it for today’s Sunday’s TBR Updates! Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. It is a bit stormy here so I will probably take a small walk before it starts to pour and then read read and read, oh and probably do some gaming as well.