Anonymous Bookaholics Book Tag

Anonymous Bookaholics Book Tag

Morning all!

Guruguru, GIF, Red-hair, staff, book

Happy Sunday all and welcome to a brand-new tag! Are you ready for the Anonymous Bookaholics Book Tag?

I found this tag at the lovely Caffeinated Fae blog (be sure to check it out). Of course I had to participate, this seemed like a perfect tag for me, everyone knows I am gigantic Bookaholic.


1. What do you like about buying new books?
Everything! Knowing that it will be coming home with you (or is coming home to you), be on your shelf. That it is all yours. The new book (or old) book smells.

2. How often do you buy new books?
A few times a month. Once a month a big haul, and then whenever something pops up that looks fun.

3. Bookstore or online book shopping: which do you prefer?
I would love to say bookstore, and yes I love going there and browsing the books, flipping through books, checking what is new… But for buying it is 99% online, 1% being if a Dutch book comes out I really want and that isn’t too expensive. Sadly, English books are hard (and expensive) to get here, so Amazon and Bookdepository it is for me.

4. Do you have a favorite bookshop?
Not really. I just pop in whatever bookstore looks nice. One of my favourites would be the Broese in Utrecht, it is amazing. Sad I don’t live in Utrecht any more.

5. Do you pre-order books?
Yes! I love it! It is just the best feeling as you sometimes forget you pre-ordered something and then a book arrives!

6. Do you have a monthly buying limit?
I have a budget. 50-70 euro a month. Sometimes I go over it by a bit, but I keep pretty strict to it.

7. How big is your wish list?
You can see my wishlists here: Books I would love a present + OMG Need To Buy shelves.

8. Which three books from your wish list do you wish to own right now?
Oh my! Just three? Let’s see, these three then!
Tokyo on Foot: Travels in the City's Most Colorful Neighborhoods, Florent Chauvouet, Tokyo, Japan, Travel, Graphic Novel, Art, Non-FictionWhen I Arrived at the Castle, Emily Carroll, Boobs, Girls, Blood, Vampires, Fantasy, LGBT, Horror, FantasyGuardians of Magic, The Cloud Horse Chronicles, Three Girls, Sword, Book, Blue, Chris Riddell


That is the end of this so so fun tag! I loved answering this one, and I hope my readers enjoyed my answers. I tag everyone to do this tag! Be sure to let me know if you participated~

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