Review for Beijing; A Symmetrical City

Review for Beijing; A Symmetrical City

Beijing: A Symmetrical City, Dawu Yu, Blue, Snow, Temple, Beijing, Architecture, Non-Fiction, Asia, Chinese Style Illustrations, Buildings, Layers, Facts, Children's BooksI received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

A gorgeously illustrated book about Beijing and its architecture and symmetry. Each two pages we go deeper into Beijing and we get closer to the center of it all. I loved seeing each layer (just like an onion only then prettier and without the eyes producing tears like mad) of the city and to read about each gate, each courtyard, each spot and see what it was used for and who could use it. Just the emperor? The people? Someone else?
I loved how we first started off with old and then went to newer buildings, like the Olympic buildings.

Next to information about each part/layer, we also get fun facts and knowledge tips about this specific layer/part or about Beijing in general. I loved that those were added they gave some extra to the book.

Also, though it took me 2 layers before I saw that the drawing on the right side was a map and that the red dot was where we are, I liked the little map. It was quite a nice addition though I would have like it more if it was bigger and better visible.

I also think I would have enjoyed this one if it was a book instead of an ebook. ADE doesn’t really allow for zooming in (it just crashes if you try), so I had to squint and get close to my screen. And no, my eyes are perfectly well, but reading on a pc makes my eyes unhappy. Not to mention that these pages are two page spreads and with ebook they get cut up in two separate pages with kind of ruin the gorgeousness of the illustrations.

The illustrations were gorgeous though, I loved that they were done in (old) Chinese style. That is one of my favourite styles, I just love how elegant and harmonious it always looks.

I would definitely recommend this book. I love this book but I know tiny me would have loved to have this book as well when she was still young. I know kids (and adults) will have a great time reading this one and discover Beijing. And hopefully one day I can visit Beijing.

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