The Easter Book Tag
hands out chocolate eggs Morning all,
Happy Easter and welcome to a very appropriate and fun tag for Easter! I was looking around for something special for Easter and I bumped into this tag over at The Owlery Reader, of course I had to participate.
Are you ready? Then let’s get started on this delightful tag!
Rabbits: a book you wish would multiply
Oh man! I got so many books that had me wishing for a sequel. But here are two that I would love for to have more.
Egg: a book that surprised you
Definitely this book. I knew some things about the book, but holy wow, not all of it. It was a book filled with surprises and some twists.
Hunt: a book that was hard to get your hands on
I don’t really remember a book I had a hard time getting my hands on. Generally I either give up on the book or go for a different edition if a book is hard to find.
Lambs: a children’s book you still enjoy
Haha, so many! I love reading children’s books and I hope to love it until the day I die. But if we are talking about favourites from when I was young, I know I still very much enjoy Thea Beckman and Enid Blyton.
Spring: a book’s cover that makes you think ‘Spring’
Definitely Fangirl and all its limited colours. The lovely pastel colours to me just SCREAM spring.
Baskets: a book that’s in your Amazon wishlist
These two books are on the top of my list.
Candy: a book that’s sweet
Oh man, this is a hard one, I got so many books I feel are sweet! I will just pick two recent ones as I don’t feel up to finding the sweet books in all my books. 😛
And with that we have reached the end! I had tons of fun answering the questions and finding books to match. I feel quite Easter-y now. dances I hope everyone has a great Easter.
I tag all of you! Be sure to let me know if you answer the questions, I am always interested in seeing everyone’s answers.