Review for Look for Ladybug in Ocean City

Review for Look for Ladybug in Ocean City

Look for Ladybug in Ocean City, Katherina Manolessou, Ocean, Search-and-Find, Detective, Fun, Humour, Funny, Ladybug, Fishes, Children's Books, Picture Books, Octopus, Coral reef, HolidaysDaisy and Basil once again lose their pet, Ladybug. This time their travels take them to Ocean City.

I read this one in Dutch (so delighted that these are getting translated so fast) but I will be writing my review in English as the previous book’s review was also in English.

Our duo from the last time once again loses their pet, Ladybug. Yep, once again. You would think after the last adventure they would be a bit more careful, but instead no. Then again, I cannot blame Ladybug if you see Ocean City, I would also escape from my owners if I was a pet if that meant I could go on an adventure to a gorgeous city underwater. Accessible for both land and water creature. Yes, because throughout the story we see various land creatures wearing helmets and either swimming, using the transport available, or those water scooter thingies. I really loved that as it opened up opportunities to dream that one could visit this city, this world.

This time my husband also searched along. He loves these books as well, but normally when I read them during the day he is at work. Yesterday though because it was Liberation Day in my country (and 5 years since the last free day) everyone was free! With Corona that meant staying inside, but hey we can do fun things. So we both had fun looking at the gorgeous illustrations and finding not only Ladybug but also various other things. From a crab wearing 8 helmets to octopi reading books to a many legged/armed starfish. We had a big laugh at how our duo never found Ladybug though we could find her quite easy in all of the pictures. Often she was even near them… so how they never spotted her… lord only knows.

The Ocean City is a big big place and it is magnificently drawn with gorgeous colours and tons of fun activities for the whole family. I loved that the story ended with the games and I am glad that this time the ending was complete and didn’t feel, like the first book, as if pages were missing. Thank you for that.

I cannot wait to see what the naughty little Ladybug will be up to next. Where will she go next? Will Daisy and Basil find her this time? Or not. I would highly recommend this book, but also the previous one to everyone.

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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