Review for Mystery Club: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief

Review for Mystery Club: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief

Mystery Club: Wild Werewolves; Mummy Mischief, Children's Books, Werewolves, Mummies, Mystery, Friendship, Graphic Novel, Children, Boys, Girls, Subway, Nature, Davide Cali, Yannick Robert, Paranormal, Monsters, Blogging, Two in OneA really fun Graphic Novel about a group of kids who solve mysteries. There are werewolves and mummies!

I just cannot resist a good mystery with paranormal elements graphic novel. Plus, the art looked really good, and after reading I can say it was really good art and I loved the illustrations at the beginning and end of each story, it reminded me a bit of Scooby Doo.

I loved how at first it was just the boy with the blog, but then they add more kids to the group who all helped with the mysteries. I loved the first story and what the cause was of the werewolves all over London. I definitely hadn’t expected that to be the cause and it gave me a giggle. I loved seeing the blog and seeing the kids take effort in making posts and do all the research.

The next story is about mummies and we see that our kids are solving other mysteries as well though nothing as exciting as their first mystery (then again can anything beat werewolves?). But luckily for them they are going to get a new mystery and yes it could beat werewolves, mummies! This time there are mummies walking around, going in the subway, and the museum is also looking for mummies that keep missing. I really enjoyed the story and I loved that the villain we met in the previous story comes back in this one.

I am also delighted that people took them seriously. Often with books like this adults treat the kids… well as kids. This time the kids were asked to help out and treated as true mystery hunters. OK, not everyone is apparently very nice to the kids, but tons of adults actually came to the kids to ask for their help and answered their questions honestly.

I loved the characters. I loved the mention of manga and that there were tons of muffins (who can resist muffins?).

The art was really fun and playful and I liked the character designs.

All in all, I need more of this series, I want to know what is next for these mystery hunters and their blog. And I would recommend this one to all.

Star rating, 4 stars

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