Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 24-5-2020

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 24-5-2020


Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Happy Sunday all and welcome to a brand-new Sunday’s TBR Updates!

Not the best week, mental health wise or relationship wise, but I made the best of it as I could. At least I had two days that I had to look forward to, Ascension Day and yesterday when I visited Library #3. Hopefully next week is better.
Reading-wise, while I am still rationing, I did read plenty this week as I needed the escape. I read all sorts, TBR books, ARCs from Netgalley, Library books. It was a nice varied book week. I found new books to love and recommend.

What did I read from my TBR Pile this week? Kid Normal and the Final Five (a delight and so funny, though the villain was meh), Ibiza (minus the cheating and the ending, it was a exciting and thrilling read), Prom (cute and sweet, but it push heavily to the HEA that it felt fake at points), No Trick or Treating (spooky and halloween fun, poor town with that curse), Together Forever (Ok-ish character, a bit spooky, twisty and confusing ending), Is She For Real?(Ok-ish spooky read though the ending felt a bit abrupt), Best Friends Forever (Note: If your friend has too many dolls and talks to them as if they are her kids, run), De toneelclub (OK read with a girl who has had enough, oh boy), De paraplu van olifant (meh, the message didn’t work for how the story was written).
From my Kindle I read: Love Means More (cute, adorable, and so much fun, love the addition of religion), Ex-mondschilder (funny and fabulous short poetry). I also added some ARCs this week and read a few of those (Nightingale House which I highly recommend as it was scary as heck + The Christmas Walk which was a delight to read and I want more of this pair).

I tried and dropped: Sabrina (just as I suspected since I wasn’t a fan of the show, dark Sabrina is just not for me), Last Minute (too much violence and little plot), Tropenvader (too little tropen for my liking).

Here is a brand-new stack of books! Some new library books from either Library #1 or #3, I got a brand-new Dutch book, and added new Creepovers that I want to re-read.
As for my Kindle, I have some ARCs I have to read and I added some new books to it.

TBR, To Be Read, Books, Reading, Stack, Library, Owned, Children's Books, Re-reads, Simon Vs, Non-fiction

Kindle, TBR, To Be Read, Reading, Books, Covers, Cats, ARCs, Young Adult, Adult, Romance

And we have reached the ending of this week’s Sunday’s TBR Updates! Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a great week with plenty of books to read. Be safe, take care!

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