Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 28-6-2020

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 28-6-2020


Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

A wonderful week with on Monday my first wedding anniversary (still can’t believe a year already went by) which we celebrated in the evening with a lovely dinner and later on two friends came to visit. The rest of the week was warm and I am surprised I am still in solid form. 😛 I visited Library #1 which was tons of fun. And yesterday I visited the garden centre as I wanted to have some sort of swimming pool for my garden next time it would be hot. So now I got a new small inflatable pool. Plus, I got some new plants for the garden. I can’t wait to see what next week will bring!

What did I read from my TBR Pile this week?  Time to Momo: Porto (fun and I loved visiting Porto through this book), De eilanden (quite an exciting short story bundle featuring murder and islands), Maffe meester Daan speelt bananenslagbal (OK, though the teacher came across as being 10-year old instead of an adult), Eekhrn zkt eekhrn (not what I expected and not good either, very dark and gruesome), Opgepast (an exciting short story about a girl and the threats she receives), Het familiealbum van Tony T.Rex (such a delight to read this one, cute illustrations, funny descriptions), Anna in de bibliotheek (cute and nostalgic), Karel en mama’s buik (adorable and fun to read), Bollie en Billie (my first volume and I need more of this duo), BFF’s 9 (another hilarious and fun comic with these girls this time with a lot of animal themes).

I tried and dropped: Acht maanden in gazastraat (lord this was so boring), Zwaartekracht (had a hard time with the first pages and didn’t continue), Deeplight (the writing just wasn’t my cup of a tea, sadly), Crazy Rich Asians (I just couldn’t get into this book at all, so I will just check out the movie), Elin (I just have so many questions and it feels like I was missing a huge chunk of story).

Here is a new TBR stack! Filled with new books from Library #1 and #2. 🙂 Plus 3 manga re-reads (well Hanakimi I only read the first volume I believe so high time to get reading) and 2 other books to re-read.

Stack of Books, Reading, Travelling, Children's Books, Thriller, TBR

Thank you all for reading! I want to wish everyone a safe, happy, and book-filled week. I am going to relax and read today so I am ready for a new week!

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