Book Haul July 2020

Book Haul July 2020

Hi everyone!!

Welcome to my Book Haul for July 2020! What a month!

I got quite a few new books, pre-orders or books I just really wanted to read. The two books I mentioned in my previous hauls? I finally was able to place a good order and get them. Finally. It took Amazon so long to fix the issues. Just like every book haul, I also got some new Kindle books that I pre-ordered or received in exchange of an honest review.

Reading-wise, only read two of the books on these stacks. By the time this post pops up I am reading the other books, but until July 26th I couldn’t touch most of them as I needed some vacation books. I read a lot each year, but this year I will probably read more given we cannot do much due to Corona. I know some people do everything again, but me and my hubby aren’t doing that. We aren’t risking it.

I got 4 pre-orders and one ARC I won on Twitter and 5 books I just had to have.

Twenty Guys You Date in Your Twenties by Gabi Conti
The Stitchers by Lorien Lawrence
The Great Dodo Comeback by Fiona Sandiford, Clare Elsom
Knights and Bikes: Wheels of Legend by Gabrielle Kent
Unipiggle: Dragon Trouble by Hannah Shaw

Hilda and the Nowhere Space by Stephen Davies, Luke Pearson
Hilda and the Great Parade by Stephen Davies, Luke Pearson
The Funny Life of Sharks by James Campbell, Rob Jones
Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape by Dermot O’Leary
Mr. Penguin and the Lost Treasure by Alex T. Smith

2 thoughts on “Book Haul July 2020

    1. Thank you! Aww, look forward to them~ Currently reading the books, writing short reviews on Gr when finished, and planning on bigger reviews when I get home in 2+ weeks. 🙂

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