What I Hope To Read September 2020
Afternoon all!
Goodbye August, thank you for all your awesome days, and welcome to September. And a big welcome to a brand-new What I Hope To Read post, September is coming!
August was a pretty great month, vacation for the first 15 days, and the other days getting used to normal rhythm again. My vacation was amazing and pretty relaxing with plenty of reads.
September will have something fun to look forward to with my hubby’s birthday coming up. Sadly, we cannot do something fun outside, but we are planning to do a whole day of movie watching on Disney+/Netflix.
This month I got quite a few reads I am eager to read. I got 3 pre-orders and 4 books I would like to try out (so hyped for The Witches GN). Three books of the pre-orders aren’t on Goodreads (despite 2 being English), I will link to Amazon/bol.com.

4 thoughts on “What I Hope To Read September 2020”
The Witches terrified me as a child! Still not keen on reading even sections of it on class!
It also terrified me, the movie especially was just WOW NOPE at many points. I can imagine!
Okay I need to read The Witches since you guys said it was scary. I’m very intrigued because the author is roald dahl 🙈
I hope September is a great reading month for you as well as August was 😀
Haha, I hope you enjoy! It is a delightful creepy book. 👻
Thank you! 😊