Halloween Is Coming TBR Time (It’s the Final UPDATE)

Halloween Is Coming TBR Time (It’s the Final UPDATE)

Hi everyone!

Anime, GIF, Wotaku ni koi wa muzukashii, Shock, Reading

BOO! Happy Halloweentober! Yes, just like every year the entirety of October means Halloween reads, movies, and scares for me! This year I decided to share my reads with you. There is still today and tomorrow before October begins, but I just couldn’t wait with sharing this any longer.

I got plenty of books I would love to read. I saved up several books over the past months, plus I want to re-read a couple I haven’t read in a while. Which includes several of my Higurashi manga series (and yes, I am hyped for the new series to be aired this month). I am not sure I can get through the entirety of the series, it is a big one. And I got plenty of other reads, but we will see.

Plus, my Kindle is also full with scares and horror. I saved plenty of books on it the past months for Halloween months and a couple are also from last year that I didn’t read back then. Oh, and the last five books on the Kindle list are ARCs that I saved for this month. Not to mention, who knows what books I find throughout the month? I cannot wait

I will list my physical TBR in pictures and my Kindle TBR with a list.

Be sure to keep checking out my post as I will update it through the month!

FINAL UPDATE NOVEMBER 1st: One last update to show everything I read. I have read a total of 45 spooky, scary, mysterious, spoopy books. Anthologies, Graphic Novels, Manga, Picture Books, Adult and Children’s Books. So many delicious books~ And as you can see on my photograph for my physical TBR it has a lot of dropped/not in the mood books, thankfully I managed to replenish it with some more physical books that I did read. My Kindle List (along with some reads on my tablet) really got huge! It started off with just 10-15 books, but ended with so many more! It was really a fun month with scary reads that had me awake or startled awake at night. Yep, some were that scary.

I cannot wait for next year and see what is next on my menu. I hope for some more manga then. This year I had a hard time finding a lot, so that is something I want to do next year, search far and wide for spooooooky manga.

I hope you all enjoyed my updates and loved seeing what I read this year for Hallowtober! Look forward to next year, I am already planning. 😛

EDIT 7: Updated my TBR photograph (just one book left I would like to try), updated my Kindle and TBR lists. Still a few days to go! This month has been so much fun so far. I am delighted with all I read so far.

EDIT 6: Updated my Kindle list + added a list of books under my physical TBR of books that were physical but which popped up throughout the month (library books/pre-orders). Not in the mood to make another photograph as it wouldn’t be complete (books had to go back to the library).

EDIT 5: Updated my Kindle list. There is one more book on my list, though I also got two more on my Kindle, but not sure if I will read/add them. Should update my physical photograph but too tired at the moment, will have to wait until I read more than one book.

EDIT 4: Updated my list on October 19th. Photograph updated, updated some reads, currently reading 2 horror books (Higurashi, Under Her Black Wings). As you can see from the photograph my library books didn’t work out.

EDIT 3: Updated my list on October 16th. Photograph to be updated, added some * to the titles as I forgot that, updated what I read.

EDIT 2: Updated my list on October 13th. Photograph updated. Pumpkin = read while red star = tried/didn’t like/not in the mood.

EDIT Updated my list on October 6th. Made a new photograph featuring new reads + marked which books I finished (with scary pumpkins). The Kindle list now shows what I tried/read.


Physical TBR:

Reading, Halloween, Stack, Books, Twilight, Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Spooky, Manga
Het Huis Zonder Einde by Daniëlle Bakhuis (Read October 16th – 5+ stars)
Ezelsvel by Cécile Roumiguière (Read October 11th – 4 stars)
De nachtmerriewinkel en het akelige jeukpoeder by Magdalena Hai (Read October 7th – 4 stars)
The Sun Down Motel by Simone St. James (Read October 16/17th – 5+ stars)
Hereafter by Tara Hudson (Read October 3rd – 3.5 stars)
The Witches by Pénélope Bagieu (Read October 25th – 5 stars)
The Backstagers and the Ghost Light by Andy Mientus (Read October 26th – 4.5 stars)
I Want My Light On by Tony Ross (October 25th – 3.5 stars)
Attack of the Smart Speakers by Tom McLaughlin (Read October 27th – 2 stars)
Versailles of the Dead, Vol.1 by Kumiko Suekane (Read October 31st – 5 stars)
*Licht uit, Lennart! by Josh Pyke (Read October 30th – 4.5 stars)


On my Kindle/Tablet:

The Creeps #1 by Chris Schweizer (Read October 16th – 1 star)
Witches of Brooklyn by Sophie Escabasse (Read October 21st – 4 stars)
A Ghost Arrives by Abe Moss (DNF at 40-ish % on October 18th)
Don’t Let the Doll in by Mike Ford (Read October 7th – 4 stars)
Curse of the Wish Eater by Mike Ford (Read October 14th – 2 stars)
Beware of the Ghost by Mike Ford (Read October 18th – 3 stars)
Haunted Hospital by Marty Chan (Read October 8th – 1 star)
Camp of no Return by J.H. Reynolds (Not in the mood for this one)
The Puffin Book of Ghosts and Ghouls by Gene Kemp (Dropped)
Scary Stories Complete Set by Alvin Schwartz (Dropped, Read the first book on October 2nd – 1.5 stars)
No Place for Monsters by Kory Merritt (Dropped – October 18th)
Her Body and Other Parts by Carmen Maria Machado (Dropped)
Corpsing by Kayleigh Marie Edwards (Read October 19th – 3.5 stars)
I Hope You’re Listening by Tom Ryan Read: (October 1st – 5+ stars)
It Will Just Be Us by Jo Kaplan (Dropped)
Frankie and the Creepy Cute Critters by Caitlin Rose Boyle (Read October 6th – 5 stars)
Dead Dudes by Christopher Sebela (Read October 6th – 1 star)
Theodora Hendrix and the Monstrous League of Monsters by Jordan Kopy (Dropped, another PDF that just got eaten by my Kindle)
Peyton’s End by Josie Jaffrey (Read October 6th – 4 stars)
Blood Work by Josie Jaffrey (Read October 6th – 4.5 stars)
Stiletto Hell: and other tall tales by DiVitto Kelly (Dropped, PDF didn’t work out, publisher didn’t have other formats)
Kidz, Vol.1 by Aurélien Ducoudray (Read October 9th – 4 stars)
Monster Max and the Bobble Hat of Forgetting by Robin Bennett (Read October 9th – 3.5 stars)
The Haunting of the Creole House by Blake Croft (Read October 7th – 4 stars)
Final Girl by You Kokikuji (Read October 12th – 5+ stars)
Secrets of Camp Whatever, Vol.1 by Chris Grine (Read October 12th – 4 stars)
Under her Black Wings by Jill Girardi (Read October 19-20th – 3.5 stars)
Behind You: One Shot Horror by Brian Coldrick (Read October 22nd – 4.5 stars)
Harrow County 1: Countless Haints by Cullen Bunn (Read October 23rd – 4 stars)
Ollie’s Halloween by Olivier Dunrea (Read October 22nd – 4 stars)
Penalty School, Vol.1 by Miai, Kyo Yamazaki (Read October 23rd – 3 stars)
Scritch Scratch by Lindsay Currie (Not in the mood for this one)
*Say Boo by Juliana O’Neill (Read October 26th – 3.5 stars)


As you can see MANY MANY books. I probably won’t read them all, but I do hope to read a good chunk of the creepy books! I am quite hyped to get reading, it has been hard these past months not to read them whenever I was in the mood for some horror… well, I did read a couple horror books because there is only so much I can resist. 😛

Do you have any reading plans? Are you excited about any of the books on my list? Let me know! And I want to wish everyone a very spooky and creepy Halloween/October month, may it be filled with lots of scary and mysterious reads.

8 thoughts on “Halloween Is Coming TBR Time (It’s the Final UPDATE)

  1. Wow, what a great list of Halloween books! I read never read a Darker Shade of Magic, though it’s been on my TBR for FOREVER and holy cow, I didn’t realize that Midnight Sun was such a BRICK. Like, that is one thick book! I hope you are able to read all of these books and more this month 🙂

    1. Thank you! I had fun getting books and making a TBR, though it was also hard to resist not reading them immediately. 😛 DSoM has been on my TBR for a few months, I hope to really read it. And haha, I was also quite surprised it was this big. I knew it had a lot of pages, but that doesn’t always mean a book so big. Thank you!

  2. Halloweentober is the best! Love that you have such a huge TBR, and it’s so great that you already made so much progress. Hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the TBR, and have an amazing Halloween(tober)!

    1. It is indeed! Aww, thanks! Can’t wait to read the rest of the books, thanks again and I hope you have an amazing Halloween(tober) as well.

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