Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 13-09-2020
Afternoon all!
HOLY, what a week! And it just flew by. I had plenty of plans and managed to do most of them. Yay! We went to the IKEA again, this time to pick up my dream reading chair (finally found it) + some fake plants for in the house. Yes, I love my garden, and I love little plants that are real in the house, but bigger plants.. eh. No. I also finally had a chance to go to hairdresser and get my hair cut. It has been a plan of mine since the start of this year, but then Corona came around. Now it is finally much safer here I could finally go and cut things off. It feels weird and cold, my hair has been over my butt for years, and it is now just over my shoulders along with VERY cool undercut all around. But no more getting stuck when sitting, or having to put it up all the time or else it gets stuck to everything. So a good week! I am looking forward to this week, my hubby’s birthday is on Tuesday, we are planning on watching tons of movies on Netflix/Disney.
And yes, I managed to read books! Some ARCs, some books from my TBR, and on Wednesday I got some new books which I read Friday/Saturday.
What did I read from my TBR this week? Kevin and the Biscuit Thief (hilarious and biscuity), Chip & Bos (funny, but I struggled a bit with reading), Het geheim van het dierenasiel (unbelievable at times, but there were also some fun parts), Dagboek van een verloskundige (superinteresting to read though it could have done without the dates), TBS (terrible parenting, but interesting theme), Ik ken een mop (funny, though I knew several already, great illustrations), Klein verhaal met een hart (this was just heartbreaking), Juwelendief (an OK book, but there were some things that just weren’t my thing), Oet en Drap (a hilarious feud between two cavemen with a sweet ending), 100 Cats (hilarious and adorable), Stripkookboek (fun illustrations, nice photographs, though the recipes weren’t always my thing), Girl and the Dinosaur (a fantastic imaginary tale with dreams and friendship).
I tried and dropped: Top 10 Tokyo (it was just bland and not that interesting). I also didn’t read Anne Frank because I found out it was a bundling of two of her other books along with something new, I wasn’t in the mood to re-read.
Here is a new stack, along with a new book from Library #3 that I got yesterday (see Library Haul here). Cannot wait to start reading, not yet sure which one to begin with though. 😛
And that brings us to the end of this post. Wish me luck on my TBR. Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you have an amazing weekend with plenty of fun and good books. Be safe!
3 thoughts on “Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 13-09-2020”
I’m happy that you found your dream reading chair! Also I wish you good luck with your TBR pile! The American Royals and Ice Twins stood out to me from the spine 🙂
I checked out your Goodreads and it’s soo cool how Lemony Snicket is your favorite author too!
Mari |
Wow! How did you manage to read all those in a week. 😀 great list, I’ll be sure to check out some.
Haha, I don’t know how I did it! 🙈 Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the books if you read them~