Review for What’s All the Commotion?: A Book about Social Distancing

Review for What’s All the Commotion?: A Book about Social Distancing

What's All the Commotion?: A Book about Social Distancing, Jessie Glenn, Kevin King, Yellow, Couch, Father, Daughter, Cushion, Talking, Green Couch, Corona, Non-fiction, Picture Books, Children's BooksI received this book from the author in exchange of an honest book.

This is my second, I believe at least, corona-related book. I avoid most of the adult books about it as my mental health isn’t the best lately, but I do love reading and checking out children’s books to see how the authors bring the corona virus to children in words they understand. In this one it is a mix of what Corona is but also what social distancing means and what you should do to keep things safe and healthy.

The message is there, it was definitely a book with a message I needed. “And remember: this will not last forever.” While I do know that, with each month passing and still more rules and lockdown impending it is hard to keep that in mind, to see that.

However, the story itself, the book itself, it could have been a bit better. It felt a bit short and missed a bit of life. It just felt a bit simple, a bit too much to the point. It did bring along the message, it do what it was made for, but I feel it could have been so much more, more engaging. Still, I am sure that this book will help for kids. Especially with the addition of the illustrations. I did like that adults are also mentioned, because it isn’t just the kids who have a hard time. Everyone does.

Something that seemed totally American to me is the fact they were disinfecting their groceries and such. In all these months I have never done that and from what I know from articles it isn’t necessary.

The art was OK-ish.

All in all, I am happy I had the chance to try out this book. I am sure that it will be a help for kids.

Star rating, 3 stars

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