Top 10 Books November 2020

Top 10 Books November 2020

Afternoon all!

Kay's Anatomy, Rent a Boyfriend, Shoe Wars, Top 10, November, Reading

Welcome all to a brand-new Top 10 post! This time for November which just flew by again.

This month was a pretty great month! Reading-wise, at least. And thankfully my knee is almost behaving itself again after the big fall earlier this month. It wasn’t so fun to undo all the Halloween decorations.. but after a week of removing those I put up all the Christmas stuff in phases and my house is now fully CHRISTMAS! I cannot wait for December to start, it will be a different one than normal with COVID but my hubby and I are going to make it a wonderful month.

This month I had 2 five-plus starred books. And 20 five starred books! See my shelf here.

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

Rent a Boyfriend, Glorio Chao, Pink, White Letters, Hug, Girl, Boy, Young Adult, Romance, Cute
The Wizards of Once: Never and Forever: Book 4, Wizards of Once, Orange, Yellow, Leaves, Crow, Magic, Children's Books, Quest, Journey, Friendship, Adventure, Cressida Cowell
His Holiday Crush, Cari Z, Pajamas, Two Men, Kissing, Holiday, Mistletoe, Christmas, LGBT, M/M Romance, Cute,

Golden, Shoes, Monster, Liz Pichon, Shoe Wars, Illustrations, Humour, Shoes, Children's Books, Brother/Sister, Family, Inventions, Inventor, Kidnapping, Competition, Award
De fantastische vliegwedstrijd, Birds, Bats, Competition, Air, Humour, Picture Books, Forest, Hot Air Balloon, Zeppelin, Tjibbe Veldkamp, Sebastiaan Van Doninck
Yurucamp, Vol.2, Girls, Tent, Scenery, Water, Camping, Friendship, Food, Travelling, Afro, Manga
The Danger Gang, Tom Fletcher, Shane Devries, Green, Kids, Boys, Girls, Superpowers, Friendship, Family, Inventions, Poop Storms, Storms, Mystery
Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body, Skeleton, Sign, Arrow, Adam Kay, Children's Books, Disgusting, Facts, Humour, Science, Medical, Non-fiction
Club Donald Duck 2 - Jacht op het spook, Yellow, Superheroes, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Katrien Duck, Comics, Humour, Funny, Children's Books, Vlogging, Fourth Wall
De Sandwichdief, ANdré Marois, Patrick Doyon, Orange, Shadow, Kid, Mystery, Sandwich, Illustrations, Children's Books

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