Small Joys Tag

Small Joys Tag

Hello all!

Kiniro Mosaic, Karen, Christmas, Santa, Bell, Stars, GIF

Welcome all to a new tag! The Small Joys tag in which I will tell you all about 15 joys in my life! This is such a perfect tag for the upcoming Christmas days and I am hyped to be part! This it Tag #3 for the Christmas season~

A big thank you to Chocoviv for tagging me! Be sure to check out her very fun blog!

*Thank the blogger who nominated you.
*List 15 of your joys
*Nominate 5 other bloggers that bring you joy and feel free to say why!


1.My husband

2.My hamsters (not my hamster in the GIF, mine are much more adorable 😉 )

Hamster, Dwarf Hamster, Petting, Adorable, GIF

Anime, Reading, GIF


GIF, Girl, Dancing, Long Hair, Cute


Haruhi, Nagato, Typing, GIF, Anime


Lucky Star, Konata, Gaming, Room, GIF


Wolf Children, Anime, Children, Mother, GIF


Baking, Egg, Flour, Bowl, Yellow, GIF, Anime


A Channel, Music, Ipod, Classroom, Girl, GIF

10.Walking (The GIF is not about walking, but she does what I do when I spy a hill while walking 🤣)

Yuru Camp, GIF, Anime, Girl, Running, Hill


Sakura Blossom, GIF, Anime

12.Yummy Food

Food, Pancakes, Eating, GIF, Anime

13.Family (my husbands family definitely brings me so much joy)

No GIF as it just feels weird to use one for that.


Black Rock Shooter, GIF, Blue Eye, Flames, Girl


Baby Animal, Leopard, Cute, Adorable, GIF


As people probably know for my other tags, I won’t be tagging people as I am just not sure if anyone would love doing this tag, and I haven’t had the best experience tagging people. But there are a lot of bloggers out there that bring me joy. This year I found so many new bloggers to love. Thanks to everyone! Keep up the fantastic work and I will be reading your posts!❤❤❤❤❤

10 thoughts on “Small Joys Tag

    1. Thank you! Haha, nice! I read all sorts, but my favourites would be thriller/mystery, romance, historical fiction, horror. 🙂 What kind of books do you read?

        1. Ohh, nice to meet a fellow lover of those genres! Haha, it all depends on what horror for me. Too gory, nope. But haunted houses? Yes! I am currently reading (and loving) Watch Over Me by Nina LaCour. And you?

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