Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 3-1-2021
Afternoon all,
Happy Sunday and welcome to the very first Sunday’s TBR Updates of 2021!
This was week was pretty awesome. My hubby and I had our vacation (at home of course which didn’t always feel as vacation because we have been at home for 9 months now 😛 ), and we had plenty of fun! It also meant a new year was coming and while there is a prohibition on fireworks (at least the bigger ones) this year, enough people in my town didn’t care and a few people in my neighbourhood had bought the still allowed kiddie fireworks so at least we had something to celebrate and look at from our balcony. I am not one to do fireworks myself, but I love seeing fireworks and I definitely missed it this year.
Reading-wise it was a pretty OK week. I couldn’t read as much as normally because I was doing all the fun things with my hubby along with some bloggging. But I did manage to read a few books and that makes me happy!
What did I read from my TBR stack this week?: Kimikiss #2 (adorable and loved seeing how this couple got together), Hold Still (absolutely beautiful), Verborgen plekken (this was just stunning and I learned many new hidden spots), Lichter dan ik (this was so interesting/good), Naar het bos in de winter (interesting and I love the activities), Het Reigersnest (some parts were good but it felt incomplete), Hoe Alles Begon (wonderful format and I had fun reading it).
I tried and dropped: De Eed (yawn, it was just so pretentious), Toekomst Atlas (this just frustrated me, though it had nice art).
Here is a new stack. With some other library books, so from last week. Plus, I added Heartless… I have had that book since it came out.. but I am just too hesitant to try as I am worried I won’t like it anymore (it was pretty hyped back then). There is still at least 16 days of lockdown, so I still got to pace myself to not read everything in one go.
Thanks all for reading! I hope you liked this first Sunday’s TBR Updates of the year 2021. A year I hope will be better. I want wish everyone a happy New Year and a very good week! I hope everyone has nice books to start the year with~