Birthday Book Haul 2021

Birthday Book Haul 2021

Afternoon all,

YuruYuri, Cake, Eating

throws glitter and confettiWelcome all to a new Book Haul! Today I want to show you all the amazing books I got for my birthday yesterday!

My birthday yesterday was really fabulous, though at times it felt weird to celebrate at home. Haha, normally birthdays mean going somewhere fun, but that is out of the question now + everything is closed anyway that isn’t essential. It was weird on my hubby’s birthday in September, but now I got to experience the feeling fully for myself. But in the end I had a great day. My hubby and I played games (finishing up Witcher and checking out some demos at the Steam Festival), we watched some stuff on Netflix/DisneyPlus. For dinner we had McDonalds. My hubby also got me a cake!

I love my presents! I am so so so happy with my new books, I am hyped to read them. These are all books I really really wanted, though some a bit more than others. Next to books I also got some other presents and they are all perfect! My hubby really had fun finding things for me (we don’t do lists, he only checks my Goodreads to see what books I would like and picks a few from there, so it is always a surprise what you get).

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
Librarian Tales by William Ottens
The Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade by Max Brallier, Douglas Holgate
Hilda’s Sparrow Scout Badge Guide by Emily Hibbs
Tyrannosaurus Rex by Dougal Dixon
The Ankh-Morpork Archives, Vol.1 by Terry Pratchett, Paul Kirby

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