Review for The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu: Wiley and JuJu Go to the Library

Review for The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu: Wiley and JuJu Go to the Library

The Wild World of Wiley and JuJu: Wiley and JuJu Go to the Library, Siblings, Boy, Girl, Library, Books, Climbing, Humour, Picture Book, Reading, Greg WalterI received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.

When I got the mail from the author I just knew I had to read the book, I mean adventures in a library? Siblings? Humour? Sign me up! And after reading this one I can say that this was a very fun and also cute (due to how the siblings are towards each other) book!

Meet Wiley and Jujuy, a brother and a sister who are about to go to storytime in the library. Sounds fun right? I know I would have loved it. Well, Wiley has other ideas especially when he sees the, in his eyes, scary/weird looking librarian (who also does look a bit scary when we see her through his eyes). What happens next had me in stitches but also at the same time wondering where the other librarians were. Haha, if this would happen in any of my libraries (and I have been to some really small ones) someone is bound to notice or hear. We see Wiley have a great time scaling the bookshelves and I loved that these bookshelves weren’t impressed by a tiny kid climbing them. Instead offering all the room for him to hide!

In the meantime we see Juju follow her little brother and try to organise the chaos while also thinking up a wonderful idea that made me smile. She is going to show her brother (who is hiding just behind the librarian) that storytime and the librarian are fun times for both of them. I say both of them, because while Juju likes storytime she cannot enjoy it of course when her brother is out playing in the book-jungle. 😛

The ending had me laughing. I can only imagine the look of their mother when Juju pulls that shoe out of her pocket.

I really liked the art and that we got to see the librarian through two eyes, it was definitely fun to see how different she looked. Plus, I liked the expressions on the kids faces, they perfectly match the scenes.

All in all, I had fun reading this book and I would recommend it!

Star rating, 4 stars

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