Review for This Wonderful Season With You

Review for This Wonderful Season With You

This Wonderful Season With You, Yusen Atsuko, Manga, LGBT, Romance, Cute, Sports, FamilyI received this book from Netgalley/publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I was really hyped to get to read this book, I mean Dekoboko Sugar Days was one of my FAVOURITE books last year and this is a new one by the same mangaka!

Sadly… it just didn’t have the same impact for quite a bit of the book. It got better as the story went on but… yeah, there were just things that didn’t work for me. The stereotypes of the computer club people, the way they called everyone normie which just seemed weird and out of place and hurtful and not to mention how they avoided everyone or had their judgement ready, the computer club I would have liked them see do something… because now we barely got anything, I wasn’t a fan of you are sexier without glasses stuff, come on no. There were also a few other things, but these are the biggest ones.

The relationship takes A LONG time to form, which on the one hand had me happy, but on the other hand it took just WAY TOO LONG. At times I just was frustrated. I just wanted these two to get together and do kissing. Haha. 😛 But it was cute to see them both figure out their feelings (maybe with some help), get closer with each new thing they do (like exercising together). I love that they were so different from each other. Enoki is small, little, and as Shirataki claims weak but with guts. Whereas Shirataki is muscular and sporty and very big. I loved the differences between them and I loved that it worked with them! They really make a cute couple and I was rooting for them to get together for real. To get romantic. I also love love that Shirataki, the more silent one and our big guy, took the first steps! Yas! So many manga it is the different way around so this made me happy.

I love that we also learn a bit more about Shirataki’s complicated home situation. I would have also liked some information on Enoki’s family though!

Then when things really started happening I was just squeeing in delight. YAS! Go boys! And I love that, just like Dekoboko Sugar Days we get to see the first date and the first time they had sex (which was both sexy and hilarious).

The art was just as fabulous as her art in Dekoboko Sugar Days.

All in all, while not always the best, I still loved reading this one. This is a couple that will have everyone rooting for them. It got pretty adorable and cute!

Star rating, 4 stars

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