Review for The Secret Life of Bees
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
I just love bees, they are cute and adorable, and I was definitely curious if I could learn even more about these little critters. Plus, come on, look at that cover, it just makes you want to pick up the book and read it!
In this book we follow the wonderfully named Buzzwing as she tells us all about the world of honeybees (and also some other bees). I really liked that we had a protagonist, a guide in the world and her name was also adorable (and so punny), it definitely made it more personal. I had fun seeing what Buzzwing had to show us, had to tell us. A lot of things I already knew, but there were new things for me. I also loved the parts about the beekeeper and what they do for the hive, how they help the hive. I still think it is a cool job to have, though not one for me. I like bees, but not that many bees at once. 🤣
We also learn what we can do for bees, and I am definitely going be throwing that bee bomb thingie I got last year (too late to still throw it) in my garden somewhere. Plus hope that all my plants I got last year will bloom and help out the bees.
Oh, and I cannot forget that in almost all the pages Buzzwing also tells you to look for a certain animal (or animals if it is a group). From cheeky monkeys to hungry birds. Can you find them all?
There are also stories about bees, while they were a nice addition, I don’t know, I got a bit bored of them and found myself skipping them. I just wanted to find out real facts about bees.
The art is incredibly cute and I just love the bees and the animals around them were drawn. It made me want to reach out and hug a bee.
All in all, highly recommended!