Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 16-5-2021

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 16-5-2021

Afternoon all!

Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates, where did the week go?

This week was pretty good actually! We had a free day (Ascension Day), anddddddd good news, several people in the government/outside of it weren’t happy many things were opening BUT libraries were closed, so there was a big debate and on May 20th the libraries will probably open! Provided the numbers stay down/keep going down of course, but BOY I am hyped. After 5 months, I need libraries so badly. Plus, my husband and I had tons of fun walks (including one in a beautiful nature/park). The weather is a bit up/down, but thankfully there is plenty of time to get out of the house. And even better news, on Saturday my letter for the COVID vaccinations came in! I got an appointment for the first one in 10 days! YAS!
Reading-wise: WOW, good good week! I had tons of fun reading all the books. I just had to take some breaks, so I had time to read!

What did I read from my TBR? My Love Story #1 (I loved re-reading this one, it is so cute and funny), Chobits (another re-read and I had fun, cannot wait for things to get more serious), Hell Girl #5 (depressing still, but also exciting to read, love the little twists), Library Wars #14 (WOW, this was an amazing volume with tons of things happening), Hellsing #3 (a bit too much gore for me, but boy Alucard cleans up nicely), Hard Pushed (), The Smidgens (this was a fun adventurous read), Secret Spy Society (cute but also tons of fun), Orientation (Haha, I love love loved it despite not being a big Marvel fan), De meest eenzame walvis (a bit weird, sometimes confusing, but still gorgeous book), Waanzinnige skivakantie (eh, just one big promo book for other books), Ik word een ster (she complained too much, but I liked the school/what is going on there), Goose goes to the zoo (adorable!), Waar is het stokstaartje (OK, but a shame that the meerkats were so easily found, no challenge at all).

Here is a new stack! I added 4 new books to my shelves this week, 2 from the bookstores and 2 pre-orders from Amazon. I am quite hyped about this stack. So many good books. And I also added some re-reads, but this time just manga. As I already got plenty of books on my stack + libraries are opening so I need to get this TBR down. Haha.

That is it for my Sunday’s TBR Updates! Look forward to seeing some library books again in my next Updates, next week! I cannot wait to have some new library books on my TBR after 5+ months of nothing. I hope everyone has an amazing week, stay safe!

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