Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 25-7-2021

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 25-7-2021

Afternoon all~~

Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Happy Sunday all~ Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates, just one more normal TBR Updates before we head into Vacation mode. dances

This week was OK-ish, nothing really exciting happened. Well OK, visiting 4 libraries (yes, all of them) was pretty great!
Reading-wise: Also OK week. My TBR I planned out was a bit hit/miss, so I also read some ARCs and Kindle books that I still had waiting for me, which was tons of fun.

What did I read from my TBR?  Gekakel bij de kippen (realllly fun again!), Mijn jaren bij de politie (interesting though the last part was a tad boring), Fantastische reddingsmissie (these kids went way too far in their imagination), Charmecampings (so many pretty campsites I would love to visit).

I tried and DNF-ed: Girl A (too many timelines and very confusing relationships), Dans van de vlinders (we get it you like bugs), De cursus (this started off nicely but got boring real quick, felt badly translated.. but was actually Dutch).

Here is a very shiny TBR with books from my Library Hauls this week and 3 oldies from previous hauls I still want to read. No new books of my own, those are all in the box waiting for vacation time~

And that is the end of my post! Wish me luck with this stack, I am superduper HYPED about these books and happy I got a whole stack of new books. I hope everyone has a great week and tons of good books to read. Stay safe~

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