Review for Find the Farter

Review for Find the Farter

Find the Farter, Phyllis F. Hart, Mike Laughead, Children's books, humour, silly, search/find, weird, cheeseA stinky and hilarious book. Not just full of farts but also of cheese and silliness.

Despite being 18+ I just cannot resist books about farts. Especially not when they are search-find-picture books! I just love those and especially when they are so creative as this one is.

In this book we need to find someone who has let go of an explosive fart. You can find people pinching their nose, or looking like they may just vomit all over. But.. who farted? And that is what this book does so well. It is not always easy to find the farter. He or she is hidden well, plus there are other peoples exuding puffs of air as well. Burps, but also armpit farts, and more, so that definitely doesn’t make it easier. Farts aren’t the only disgusting thing you may encounter. I already mentioned burps, but there are also sweaty armpits of DOOM and SMELL. Oh, and skunks, lots of skunks. And smelly cheese of WOW.

I just love the farter was someone else every time. Not like most books like this that require you find a specific person that doesn’t change throughout the scenes. In this one you are looking for a farter and that can be anyone from a small kid to Santa Claus. It definitely made it so much more fun and more challenging.

I also love that we have so much cheese. Really, cheese heaven. Yum!

There are also other things to keep a look out for. Skunks, cats, and more. I really liked the extra additions to the search.

The art and the scenes we get are fantastic and it was just great fun not to just look for the farter and the standard extra items… but also see what is going on in each and every of the scenes. I laughed quite a lot as so much is happening and often silly things pop up.

All in all, highly recommended!

Star rating, 4.5 stars

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