Review for RWBY: Official Manga Anthology Vol.1: Red Like Roses + Vol.2: Mirror Mirror

Review for RWBY: Official Manga Anthology Vol.1: Red Like Roses + Vol.2: Mirror Mirror

RWBY Official Manga Anthology Vol. 1: Red Like Roses, Manga, Fantasy, Short Stories, RWBY, Young Adult, Friendship, Monsters, Girl, Red, Scythe, These wonderful two manga volumes, the first about Ruby and the other about Weiss! With stories about them, their team, the world, and more!

I have now read two of these books and decided to bundle the reviews I had for them together. Now it is another two years (if I still have a blog then) for the next ones as I buy these for our summer vacation, and only one a year. In the first place for my husband, but I also like to read them!

Volume 1: Star rating, 4.5 starsI haven’t seen the series yet, and probably not planning to as I am not a fan of the animation style. But I bought this one for my husband, who is a BIG BIG fan of the show, and decided after he read it to also try it out. At times I missed a couple of references, but in overall I had no problem reading this one, it helps that I know a bit about the show and the characters. I loved the tons of shipping, the various art styles were fun and I liked the stories. From serious to silly to sweet, it was such a fun read. I laughed quite a bit at Ruby and how she acted in some of the stories (which involved either her saying something embarrassing to Weiss or stuffing her face with food). I definitely need to buy the next on in this series as I also want more of this.

Weiss, RWBY: Official Manga Anthology, Vol. 2: Mirror Mirror, Monty Oum, Rooster Teeth Productions, Shihou, kuma, buzz, ecru, kate, monorobu, magic, fantasy, manga, friendship, short storiesVolume 2: Star rating, 4.5 stars  I bought the second book for my husband but of course I had to read it after he finished it! I am not a such a big fan of RWBY as he is, but I still love reading the manga and the other stories on paper. This book is all about Weiss Schnee. From short to longer stories. A few 4-komas are also found. I had such a laugh at all that happened, though I was also a bit sad given Weiss’s family (especially her father who never had that much attention for her). I loved seeing the friendship between the girls and also see them get closer/form more of a team. I had a big big laugh at the stories featuring cookies (one I am sure is Ruby’s way to bribe Weiss to get her to help with a project while the other meant deadly cookies). I love the various art for each story. Some I was more of a fan than others but in general I liked them all and it is always fun to see what the next story has for art.
Here is to next year and a new volume!

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