WWW Wednesday #8 ~ 29-9-2021

WWW Wednesday #8 ~ 29-9-2021

Evening all!!

Happy Wednesday all and welcome to a new WWW Wednesday!!

Fall is really coming in, we had a lot of rain today (plus some added hail and a few bangs of thunder). I am excited, I just love reading up in my attic library and listening to the rain fall. It is also almost October and that means soon I can start my Halloween books (well, I already read 2 or 3 Halloween books, I just couldn’t resist). I am reading some fun books now and I just finished a terrific book in which they weaved 3 episodes into one story.

About WWW Wednesdays: WWW WednesdayΒ is a meme hosted by Sam ofΒ Taking on a World of Words. It is a fun way to show readers what you are reading, what you finished, what you want to read next.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


Wow in the World: The How and Wow of the Human Body: From Your Tongue to Your Toes and All the Guts in Between, Mindy Thomas, Guy Raz, Jack Teagle, Children's Book, Body, Non-Fiction, Humour, Yellow, Children, X-rays
Reading this book! So happy Amazon finally had it in stock~ I just started, so halfway through chapter 1 and I am laughing so much. It is so fun with tons of puns. It reminds me of those Horrible Science books.
Recently Finished, WWW Wednesday, Reading, Books, Rainbow, Plant
My Halloween, Happy Yak, Sophie Beer, Halloween, Cute, Picture Book, children's Books, Words, Action, Feeling, Cute
I finished these two cute books! The first is all about Halloween and yes I actually was waiting to read this one until October, but I just couldn’t resist. It was an adorable book about Halloween (duh) with many words featuring Halloween or activities to do with Halloween. Cute illustrations. Next up is Hilda. I recently found out that there were new tie-in books for the second season and I just had to get them as I knew they would mix up the story and make it just different from the tv-series. And it did! It grabs 3 episodes and bits from others and makes a whole new story featuring things seen in the Tv-Series.

Infamous Love, Mountain Haven, Kissing, Man, Woman, Barber, Fame, Lea Coll
Just this week I got the ARC for the second book in the series, so it is high time I get to reading the first book which has been on my Kindle since August (was planning on reading it during my vacation but didn’t get to it). Very excited, because I just LOVED the prequel novella.Β 

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