Library Haul ~ 20-11-2021 (Library #2)

Library Haul ~ 20-11-2021 (Library #2)

Hey all~

Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

Welcome to a BIG BIG Library #2 Haul! I got TONS of books!

I was so hyped to visit the library, what with the threat of things closing again, maybe a lockdown, I was so worried I may not be able to visit or had to just do a quick visit. Thankfully, so far nothing yet on lockdowns or library closings, but I am preparing myself by visiting all the libraries (upcoming week I want to visit the other two I have left) + making sure I don’t read too much. Not easy when you see all the great books I got from the library yesterday. XD

I had a TON of reservations waiting for me again, and with 5 books at home, that meant I could find 6 more books. I had a few reservations that the library wasn’t able to find so I was hoping to find them myself. And haha, yes, I did. They were all on the big new releases table at the children’s department. I guess no one thought to look there. XD I also found a few other books there and then had to make some tough decisions as I wanted to bring 2 Donald Duck comics along as well. In the end I managed, but I wasn’t easy. Hopefully, I can get those books next time! crosses fingers

So it was a pretty quick visit, but still a very good one. I felt myself relaxing for the first time in a few days (even baking all the things on Friday didn’t bring relaxation). Books are magical. Libraries are wonderful.

I got plenty to read (soooo hyped about various of these books, like Gideon the Ninth), but I have to wait. At least until we get some more clarity on what our government is planning to do. Lockdown? 2G? 1G? 3G? Another G? Something else. I hope that they decide soon.

STATS: 45 books. 7 comics, 10 non-fiction, 15 picture books, 13 fiction.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

Book List, Emoji, Cute
De nepvampier by Sophia Drenth
Echte duiven in broodnood by Andrew McDonald, Ben Wood
De gouden kokosnoot by Tosca Menten
Spirit samen vrij: het wilde paard by Jennifer Fox
Ninja-gamers by LEGO
Een tijger in je bed by Bibi Dumon Tak
De kat en de stad by Nick Bradley
Sadie by Courtney Summers
Try Not To.. by Juultje van den Nieuwenhof
One by One by Ruth Ware
Gideon Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

De juf die geen juf is by Katrín Gudmundsson
Handboek voor beginnende puberouders by Saskia Smith, Martine de Vente
Bonusland by Jasper van Kuijk
Leraar op de fiets by Conrad Berghoef
Wereldwijd borreltijd by Susan Aretz
Lotus by Bart Hoffman
Nusta by Ruth Janette Ruck
Dingen die erger zijn by Lennke Hoope, Anneloor van Heemstra
Een koning poept niet! by Nurlaila Karim
Wild enthousiast over mama’s by Philip Bunting

Suske & Wiske Junior: De Kat by Willy van der Steen
Suske & Wiske Junior: Pak me dan! by Willy van der Steen
Suske & Wiske Junior #2 by Kim Duchateau
Suske & Wiske Junior #4 by Kim Duchateau
Suske & Wiske Junior #1 by Kim Duchateau
De reuzen #1 by Paul Drouin
Suske & Wiske Junior #3 by Kim Duchateau
De spannendste avonturen van Donald Duck #20 by Dave Wessels, Bas Heymans, Frank Jonker, Edwin Loftus, Paul Hoogma, Leendert-Jan Vis, Jan Kruse
De spannendste avonturen van Donald Duck #21 by John Lustig, William van Horn
Een mama is als een huis by Aurore Petit
Julian gaat naar een bruiloft by Jesscia Love
Het onhandige vleermuisje by Nanna Nesshöver
Brave hond! Stoute kat! by Bette Westera, Mies van Hout
De schoenen van Sara by Francesca Pirrone
Frans-Ferdinand wil dansen by Marcus Pfister
De capibara’s by Alfredo Soderguit
Vreemd hond in de bijt by Rob Biddulph
Ik praat als een rivier by Jordan Scott, Sydney Smith
Ziekenhuishond by Julia Donaldson, Sara Ogilvie
Penny en het verdwaalde hondje by Emily Sutton
Winterslaap by Sean Taylor, Alex Morss, Cinyee Chiu
Had ik maar een octopus by Gabby Dawnay, Alex Barron
Koen Konijn en de stiekeme boekenbijter by Emily MacKenzie
Jonathan de toverpony by Stuart Heritage, Nicola Slater

2 thoughts on “Library Haul ~ 20-11-2021 (Library #2)

  1. Wow so many books !!
    Sadie is one on my “must pick up eventually”, but I did read One by One – hopefully you’d like it too 🙂
    Happy reading xx

    1. Haha, yeah, I went all out in my library. XD
      It has been on that kind of list for me forever so I am glad that the library finally got it! That is great to hear, I am very excited about it, read my first Ruth Ware book in my summer vacation and definitely wanted more.
      Thanks! Thanks for commenting~

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