Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 28-11-2021

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 28-11-2021

Good afternoon everyone,

Bakemonogatari, Books, Gif, Red Books, Girl, Boy, Diving/Jumping, Anime

Happpppy Sunday! Welcome to a new sparkly Sunday’s TBR Updates~

Well, this week wasn’t the best given our corona numbers and how our government does things, so plenty of stressing out if we were going in a big lockdown or not. Thankfully, on Friday, we got the news that it was just an evening lockdown, not really the best solution in my eyes, but hey, if it works. And at least it means I can still go to libraries and go outside if I want to, visit stores. I stay inside for most, but sometimes it is nice for my mental health to visit some stores and do something else. Take my mind of the fact we have been in corona for almost 2 years and probably will be for more. Other than stressing, I visited libraries, started reading reading and planning my TBR on Friday eve when we got the news, kept an eye on Ikzoekbaas in the hopes for a doggo, I did another bake-a-thon on Friday and made all sorts of yummy Sinterklaas treats.
Reading-wise: OK week. I tried to spread out my reading because we didn’t know what plans our government had, but in the end I did read several books. Haha. But it was also definitely a good week for ARCs, I had a few for tours/other, now I am all up to date again. Yay!

What did I read from my TBR this week? Vieze beesten (a disgustingly fun book though at times I just had to stop reading XD), Dream Robbery (hilarious and wonderful), Accidental Witch (OMG, I loved this one and I want more), Spiderman Strange Day (absolutely delighted with this one), Kay’s Marvellous Medicine (Prunella was annoying, but the rest was just as great as his first book, learned a few new facts), Griezelbende (spooky and a ton of fun, hope we get more of these books), Don’t Disturb the Dragons (love the feminism tone but also loved the fantasy and the girls).

I tried and dropped: The Hatmakers (not my cup of tea, the writing style just didn’t work out).

Here is a new stack. Now that I know that libraries are open I threw a whole bunch of books on there. Haha, I got many more it was quite a hard one to think of which one to add for this week. XD Also while not on the stack, I am currently reading (slowly) Rule of Wolves. So far it is good~

And that is it! A big thank you for reading and let me know in the comments what your plans are for this week or if anything looks fun/good on my stack. 🙂 I hope everyone has a great week! Stay safe!

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