WWW Wednesday #13 ~ 3-11-2021

WWW Wednesday #13 ~ 3-11-2021


Happy Wednesday! Welcome to a new WWW Wednesday!!

Today was a great Wednesday! My husband got me the book I asked him to get and I am loving it. Plus, the weather is just gorgeous and Fall is really really here. I just love reading in my attic library while the rain is pattering on the roof.

About WWW Wednesdays: WWW WednesdayΒ is a meme hosted by Sam ofΒ Taking on a World of Words. It is a fun way to show readers what you are reading, what you finished, what you want to read next.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


Een visgraatjas met haaiengrijns, Sylvia Witteman, Pink, Cup, Shark Fin, Columns, Humour, Non-Fiction
This one! The book I asked my hubby to get as he was close to the bookstore. XD I have been looking forward to this book for months, Sylvia Witteman is one of my favourite columnists and it is very hard to not read her columns until the book is out. So as soon I had this book and had a bit of time I read a few columns. They are fantastic, really enjoying myself.Β 
Recently Finished, WWW Wednesday, Reading, Books, Rainbow, Plant
Influence, Sara Shephard, Influencer, Young Adult, Multiple POV, Mystery, Stalkers, LGBT, Famous, Fame
I finished this one earlier today… and while I did like it (3 stars) I am also not sure how much I really liked it. Haha. Delilah was so fun, but then she started secretly DM-ing and such with Jack and I was just so not happy with that, I mean, I don’t care if his relationship is fake, it is real enough for the world… break up first. Fiona’s POV was hard to read due to her uncertainty and how far she at times seemed to go with things. Jasmine was great though. Scarlett… eh. It was fun to read about the events and about social media and what is real and not, about followers, and about friendship/who can you trust.Β 

The Castle of Tangled Magic, Sophie Anderson, Saara Soderlund, Castle, Fox, Magic, Fantasy, Children's Books, AdventureIn het Duister, Tmaara Arts, Young Adult, Thriller, Mystery, House, Forest,
These two I want to read next! One is a MG Fantasy that sounds really adorable and fun. The other is a YA thriller which sounds very scary and exciting!Β 

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