Library Haul ~ 8-1-2022 (Library #2 + #3)

Library Haul ~ 8-1-2022 (Library #2 + #3)

Afternoon all,

Nyarko GIF, Books, All the books

A BIG BIG welcome to a new Library Haul post! Yesterday I visited TWO libraries, Library #2 and #3!

It was high time to visit. Technically I could also visit one library today and then the next week the other one, but I just thought it would be nicer to just have it done in one go.

First up Library #1. I had a couple of reservations waiting, not as much as I normally do as apparently even the libraries didn’t find anything interesting to buy. XD So I was looking forward to finding some reservations that they hadn’t found yet along with some other books. Instead of doing one and then the other I just grabbed books here and there if I came across them on my hunt for the missing reservations. I found quite a few nice books including some picture books and a few chonkers of photography books. My sore arm (thanks boostershot on Wednesday) wasn’t too happy as this library consists of quite a few stairs. Yes, there is an elevator but it is tiny and with corona I am just not going to be using that.

At library #3 there was some confusion. There was a line standing in front of the doors. On the door was a sign that only 250 people could get in, well, I haven’t seen that amount of peeps in a long time, so I was very confused. But apparently, these were all students waiting for a spot to study/work (which was full). Would have been nice of the library to make sure that someone kept an eye out so that the queue wasn’t in front of the library or maybe a sign somewhere? Oh well, we got in and I was happy to be out of the rain and cold.

I had fun walking around the library and hunting for books, especially now with my husband coming along. Normally he doesn’t come along inside because his asthma is even worse than mine and wearing a mouth mask in a stuffy library is not working for him at all. But he had to choose between freezing and wet or out of breath.. he picked out of breath.

There was only one book over the children’s/YA department, but I found plenty of books at the Non-fiction and GN/Comics departments!

STATS: 12 books from Library #3 (picture 4) and 37 from Library #2 (pictures 1-3). A total of 49 books! YAS!

NOTE: I am not going to be adding a book list to these Library #2 + #3 Hauls. It is just too much for me at the moment. It is very tiring to go to the libraries and to write + find 50+ books on Goodreads/ is just too much for this girl. Maybe one day again when the world is a bit kinder and my mental/physical health is smiling a bit more.

Pictures, Emoji, Cute

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