Six for Sunday ~ 2-1-2022: Wintery colours

Six for Sunday ~ 2-1-2022: Wintery colours

Hey all!

Six for Sunday, Sky, Space, Stars

I wasn’t in the mood to do a Weekly Quote, but there were also no new Six for Sunday’s up on the site. I still wanted to do one, so I thought I would pick a prompt from earlier Six for Sundays. I found this one from August 2020 and thought it was very fitting for the season. The weather itself isn’t very wintery though. XD Hopefully it will turn soon so it matched the season. crosses fingers

I had fun picking books, though most ended also with snow or winter in the title. XD Then again, I got thousands of books on my list and not much motivation to go through all of them to find grey/blue/white covers.

The Six for Sunday is made by Steph from Alittlebutalot. Each week features a new theme in which bloggers have to find 6 books/characters/other things.

Fifty Words for Snow, Nancy Campbell, Blue, Snow, Non-Fiction
The Haunting of Leigh Harker, Blue, Face, Darcy Coates, Horror, Ghost,
Een zwaluw in de winter, Timothée de Fombelle, Car, Snow, Mountain, Picture Book, Children's Book, Christmas
The Snow Child, Winter, Eowyn Ivey, Blue, Forest, Child,
The Snowflake, Benji Davies, Snow, Girl, Red Coat, Hat, Trees, House, Hills, Children's Books, Benji Davies, Picture Books, Holiday, Holiday Vibes

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