WWW Wednesday #25 ~ 30-3-2022

WWW Wednesday #25 ~ 30-3-2022


Welcome all to a sparkly WWW Wednesday!~

So far a pretty good week, though for mysterious reasons I am just so tired. I am taking breaks a plenty but it feels like I am just getting more tired. Hopefully I will feel better soon! Other than that, enjoying my garden and seeing everything come to life. Though I do hope that things stay alive given the snow/cold that is upcoming! Guess I will put some plants in my shed for the time being.

About WWW Wednesdays: WWW WednesdayΒ is a meme hosted by Sam ofΒ Taking on a World of Words. It is a fun way to show readers what you are reading, what you finished, what you want to read next.

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


Yep, I am back to reading this one again! This time I really want to get through it, haha. It isn’t bad per se, but my mood just switched when I started reading this one early March. So far we have had 2 murders (one not seen and another one seen) and I am curious about all that is going to happen as it seems the school is paying the police to keep silent, mmmm. Also romance! Love it.Β 
Recently Finished, WWW Wednesday, Reading, Books, Rainbow, Plant
Scout is Not a Band Kid by Jade Armstrong, Graphic Novel, Girls, Music, Band, Children's Books, Friends
These two books~ The one on the left was filled with scary zombies and crummy people, but also tons of fun, excitement, scary moments, nomnom moments, and a bucketlist that is slowly being crossed out and I cannot wait to see what is next for Tendou, I hope his parents are still alive! *crosses fingers* The one on the right was just tons of fun! About a girl who joins a band just so she can be at a festival for a writer she loves (yes, dedication) and then starts loving the band stuff and figures out friendship. It was just a shame that my ARC copy had empty text bubbles at times and some pages were without colour which really confused me.Β 

I don’t know yet! I first want to finish that YA murder book, and maybe then I will pick up one of my newΒ  manga volumes as I still got 3 left to read!Β 

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