Audiobook Blog Tour ~ The Book of Souls by Kevin Moore ~ Excerpt

Audiobook Blog Tour ~ The Book of Souls by Kevin Moore ~ Excerpt

Morning all~

The Book of Souls, Ghosts, Supernatural, Paranormal, Suspense, Mystery, Kevin Moore

A spooky welcome to the Blog Tour for The Book of Souls by Kevin Moore + narrated by Luke Welland! I just HAD HAD HAD to sign up. I mean, ghosts, an accident that leaves someone back in their 13-year body, a journey to find the way back. I need this in my life!

For today’s post I got an audio excerpt (the prologue to the book) + book/author/narrator information.

Ready? Let’s get this started then! Whoop!

The Book of Souls, Ghosts, Supernatural, Paranormal, Suspense, Mystery, Kevin MooreThe dead don’t come back, but some never leave…
Jack Kelly remembers everything about his wife and children. The wonderful smell of his wife’s hair, the way she whispers to him at night. His three children running through the house, the sound of their laughter.
That was his life before the accident. His near-death experience left him in the in-between space, somewhere between this world and whatever comes next. But he recovered and woke up as his 13-year-old self.
The doctors tell him it is a false memory, a result of his fall and the insult to his brain from his injuries.
“How can a 13-year-old boy have a wife and three children”? They ask.
But how can he see and hear dead people, demons, ghosts, and shadowy creatures? And if they exist, then is it so inconceivable to believe that Jack’s life as a 47-year-old man with a wife and children existed, too?
Jack begins his journey to find out why and how. And, in the end, he resolves to find his way back to his true existence, back to his family.
The Book of Souls is the first book in the series. The Book of Demons is coming…

Buy the book here: Audible


About Kevin Moore:

Kevin Moore, Author, Moustache, Photograph, Blue Shirt Kevin Moore is the author of “Christmas Stories 7 Original Short Stories”. He also had his first Children’s picture book released in May 2021. His play “Conversations From The Sports Arena” was performed at the HBO Theater in Hollywood. “The Book of Souls” is his first novel. Based on a true event, Moore considers this a “self help book, which just happens to be a paranormal thriller. The sequel “The Book of Demons” will be released October 11, 2022. Moore practices Lucid Dreaming and Bardo Dreaming which has helped him with his writing. He is a Yogi and an Advanced Reiki Practitioner — most importantly, he is Matthew and Madison’s father.

Find him here:  

About Luke Welland:

Luke Welland, Beard, Moustache, Long Hair, White Shirt, Author, PhotographLuke Welland is a Canadian film and TV Actor based in Vancouver, BC. He has appeared in TV shows such as Supernatural, Caprica and Travelers; Movies such as Footsteps Into Gangland and Eat It Raw, and in commercials for Virgin Mobile, Mini-Cooper, Bud Light and several others. He used to tour as the singer and guitarist in punk band No Other Way, and still writes and records his own folk/acoustic music. He also is a working voiceover artist completing several audiobooks including The Vista, Soul Meets Body, Riding the Edge, and best-seller: The Imperial Alchemist, and Book of Souls.

Audio Excerpt:

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