Blog Tour ~ From Grandma with Love by Bella Neville Cruz, Katia Quintana Cruz ~ Review + Excerpt + Giveaway

Blog Tour ~ From Grandma with Love by Bella Neville Cruz, Katia Quintana Cruz ~ Review + Excerpt + Giveaway

Morning all~

From Grandma With Love, Grandparents, Children's Books, Bella Neville Cruz, Hearts, Love

A warm and lovely welcome to the Blog Tour for From Grandma with Love by Bella Neville Cruz, Katia Quintana Cruz! So excited to be part! I just had to sign up as the book looked too adorable to pass.

I got a 4-5-starred review, an excerpt, book/author information, and there is also a giveaway in which you can win 10 dollar Amazon/BN gift card! Be sure to join.

Let’s get started.


I received this book from the publisher/Goddess Blog Tour in exchange of an honest review.

I was very eager to read this book written by a 5-year old girl and her mom who helped her out! And boy, this story was just the cutest! A bit repetitive, but given how cute it was and how warm and fluffy it made me feel? I didn’t mind it at all!

In this story we meet Bella and her grandma. Bella has some serious questions to ask. She is very worried about what her grandmother may answer (and there are some tears to go with the questions). I really loved the questions and I can imagine that she would be wondering about these things. From drinking all the water to reading grandma’s book to bouncing on the couch (which made me laugh, I used to love that, these days I still like doing it, but softer as I got to pay for a new couch if it breaks XD). We see what grandmother answers to each of these worries and I was just filled with warmth and happiness. What a sweet grandmother! Explaining how she would feel and then suggesting something fun. Like when Bella asks about reading grandma’s book, grandma answers that she will be frustrated but will love her and maybe Bella could read the book to her? Which is just so kind!

The ending just made me go AWWW in the biggest way. That was such a sweet and adorable way to end the book. Perfect!

The illustrations? I love them, they are just so perfect for the story! The style is so fun and colourful.

All in all, this is an adorable book and I would highly recommend it! I wish I had such a relationship with my grandparents as Bella does (I mostly just saw them during birthdays and maybe during the summer).

Star rating, 4.5 stars

From Grandma With Love, Grandparents, Children's Books, Bella Neville Cruz, Hearts, LoveFrom Grandma with Love was created by Bella, a five-year-old with a very vivid imagination. Her Mom, Katia, has been her accomplice since the moment Bella said, “Mamá, I would love for my family, my friends and my teachers to read my story. Is that possible, Mamá?”

When I agreed to the possibilities of publishing her book—our book—I knew that it was going to be the biggest and very best project together of our lives. Seeing her big smile of happiness, the proudness of her work in her face, and the sparkle of her eyes brought us even closer by creating and writing.

From Grandma with Love: a story inspired by her own grandma, family situations and lots of love.

Bella is a five-year-old child. Like any other, she could get into mischief sometimes. She does not want Grandma to be upset about her occasional adventures. Bella wonders, “Grandma, will you love me even when I misbehave?”

Buy here:Amazon
About the author:

Bella Nevile Cruz, Katia, Author, PhotographFrom Grandma with Love was created by Bella, a five-year-old with a very vivid imagination. Her Mom, Katia, has been her accomplice since the moment Bella said, “Mamá, I would love for my family, my friends and my teachers to read my story. Is that possible, Mamá?”

When I agreed to the possibilities of publishing her book—our book—I knew that it was going to be the biggest and very best project together of our lives. Seeing her big smile of happiness, the proudness of her work in her face, and the sparkle of her eyes brought us even closer by creating and writing.

From Grandma with Love: a story inspired by her own grandma, family situations and lots of love.

Bella is a five-year-old child. Like any other, she could get into mischief sometimes. She does not want Grandma to be upset about her occasional adventures. Bella wonders, “Grandma, will you love me even when I misbehave?”

Find her here:  


Bella: If I come to your bed because I want a hug … Will you love me then?

Grandma: I will feel warm, loved, and cared for. I will love you even more.

Grandma hugged Bella, gave her a kiss and said, “I will always love you no matter how you feel or whatever you do!

Bella: I will love you forever and ever grandma.

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