Review for Ladies with Guns – Part 1

Review for Ladies with Guns – Part 1

Ladies with Guns - Part 1 by Bocquet Olivier, Anlor , Wild West, Pioneer, America, Native Americans, Women, Kick-ass, Woods, Red, OrangeI received this book from Netgalley/Europe Comics in exchange of an honest review.

Haha, I was actually planning on posting a Release Day Blitz on this timeslot, but apparently, without my knowledge, they changed the date. So I thought I would do a review and since I had several Netgalley books still shouting at me to read them… I decided I would read one of them and, instead of posting in May (as with all the others), it would be here early! And Ladies With Guns won the contest of book to be read~

Can I just applaud that this woman is in a cage but just kicks and rolls around to move herself to another position? Bites a wolf when he bites her? Grrrrs at the gang of wolves when they attack? Hello, this girl, FIGHT! I was saddened when we learned she was put in the cage because of her skin colour/she is a slave. 🙁 We are indeed in that sucky time period. 😐

I loved how our gang of ladies slowly gets together, Kathleen a woman who lost her husband (which was heart-breaking though also very abrupt), Chumani a native girl who is out for revenge because Kathleen’s people killed her brother (there is a story to that and I was happy that Chumani also realised things), and then there is the girl in the cage, Abigail. She has been through a lot (and not just in that cage.. but also before that, holy fuck x infinity). These three are the beginning of the group, and these three become fast friends very soon and I just loved it! Plus, I was eagerly looking forward to meeting the two other woman and see what is up next for this band of woman.

And around 40 pages in we meet woman #4, Daisy McCormick who is done with everyone and tired of everyone’s shit. I just loved how she helped Kathleen. I already liked her before she helped Kathleen, she had that sass and I love a woman who, in these times, isn’t afraid to say something. XD And quite soon after we meet Daisy we meet someone named Cassie Coltrane, a prostitute. I had a laugh how she showed up and how she was like: “Oh but my nails.” XD Girl, please. I loved this group of women. Each of them was just so great and kick-ass.

But of course, things always go worse in settings like this, hello Wild West/America of the pioneers and such, someone is looking for Abigail and is very interested in having her back. I knew that the women would have to work hard to overcome this and I was eager to see what they were planning, though also very worried for their safety. Would each of these women make it out? It was not the easiest pages to read, especially not with the gore that the author/illustrator doesn’t like to shy away from. Excuse me, but I don’t need to see how someone’s jaw is just whacked away. XD

The ending… it came to soon, but it does set an interesting premise for the next book!

I also enjoyed the art, it was very well done! Maybe could do with a bit less gore though. 😛

Also, I just checked out Bocquet Olivier and he is also the writer of the amazing FRNK series! Eep!

All in all, if you like the Wild West/pioneer era + love kick-ass girls trying to get through life, then be sure to check out this graphic novel.

Star rating, 4 stars

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