Review for The Call of the Silver Wibbler
A fun new adventure with Kate! There is a jungle cruise, shrimps, a mysterious bird, a new friend, and oodles more!
I was so delighted when I saw that the newest book by Kate on the Case was coming out! Immediately got it when I could from Amazon and immediately read it when it arrived. I just had to know what was up next for Kate!
I loved that this one took place on a jungle cruise, last year I watched that Disney movie with the Rock and this book reminded me of that! Just maybe a little less action and more shrimps. Well, the action comes later. Haha. I would so love to go on a cruise like this! It sounds amazing. Competitions (and a dad doing awesome), beautiful scenery, parties, a rocking boat to lull you to sleep. Though please, just less shrimps. XD
I felt for Kate though, because while she is having fun on the cruise with her dad.. she is also not looking forward to the article she has to write. I mean, shrimps are fun and all, but there is a limit to that. Plus, Kate just wants something more adventurous and I was eager to see when she would find something mysterious. Something better! Something exciting! And as soon as something happens I had the feeling there was more to it all then just that. I followed along with Kate as she found hints, met a new friend, charted some charts, learned about birds. It was just tons of fun! The mystery of the Silver Wibbler? Perfection! I just loved how Kate wasn’t afraid to investigate even with a busy boat and an annoying leader of the Bird Brigade (you know, without that dude I would have loved to join).
Rupert, once again? I loved that little mouse. And once again, this is pretty rare for me! I am normally not a fan of talking animals, but Rupert is just so much fun and such a sweetheart. Still confused a bit on which animals can talk and why some can and others can’t, hopefully we find out more in the next books.
Bertie… it took me a while to get used to the little guy. He was just a bit much. In many aspects. But I think he just needed a bit of a boost of confidence, because as the story continued I saw another Bertie and this one I liked!
The last part + the ending of the book? One rollercoaster of awesomeness! We learn of the Silver Wibbler. About the guy who wrote the book. About something else, and there is an exciting chase and some trickery! Plus, we find out some things and I was just punching the air because I was right. Haha.
The illustrations were once again fab and this time the main colour was green! I cannot wait to see what colour is next for Kate, blue? Pink? Purple? I Just love it when books like this have one main colour!
So as you can see, I had oodles and oodles of fun reading this one, I flew right through it! I would highly recommend this one to all!
4 thoughts on “Review for The Call of the Silver Wibbler”
Well okay, this sounds beyond adorable! I don’t find myself reading a great deal of middle-grade books, but I bet this would be a blast – and something that could even just help boost my mood on a down day. What a fun review too. Great job making me want to give it a read 🙂
This book (and the book before that) are very adorable and full of mystery and adventure. If you need more fun MG books to boost some moods, let me know! I got plenty of those~ Thank you! Yay, I am happy to hear that, then it is mission accomplished! 😍