Top 5 Tuesday #5: 31-05-2022 ~ FREEBIE (U, V, W, X, Y, and Z)

Top 5 Tuesday #5: 31-05-2022 ~ FREEBIE (U, V, W, X, Y, and Z)

Evening all!

Top 5 Tuesday, cute, flowers, stars, books

Welcome to a new Top 5 Tuesday! I am back again with a new shiny Top 5, and this week it is a Freebie!

I just love freebies and so I had fun going through the earlier Top 5 posts to see if there was anything that seemed like a fun prompt~ After a few pages I bumped into a Top 5 (well actually 6) with the letters U,V,W,X,Y, and Z! I just knew this was the one to do! A bit more challenge than finding letters with A or Ms. And it was indeed a fun challenge to go through my many books on Goodreads and find out books to feature in this fun post! Hope you all enjoy!


Top 5 Tuesday was created by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm, and it is my absolute privilege and pleasure to say that it is now being hosted here, at Meeghan reads!! Each week there is a new theme and you need to find 5 books that fit the theme in one way or another! From TBRs to finding items on covers to books with themes, there are all sorts of fun prompts~

Unfed (Undead #2) by Kirsty McKay, Zombies, Horror, Humour, Young Adult, Yellow, Silhouettes
The Vanishing Stair, Maureen Johnson, Stairs, Red

xxxHolic Rei, Manga, Fantasy, Paranormal
Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village, Maureen Johnson, Jay Cooper, Humour, England, Mystery
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Vol. 1, Haro Aso, Koutaraou Takata, Pink, Motorcycle, Dystopia, End of Times, Humour, Zombies, Manga, Horror, Bucketlist

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