Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 24-7-2022
Greetings all!
A hot summery welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates! I survived the week! Whoo!
Haha, but really, it was just way too hot the first three days, then on the fourth it was rainy and cold, then on Friday it was clammy and bleh, and Saturday and today are hot again. XD I tried to do things, but for a bit of the week I was just lying in bed. Reading. Sleeping. Sleepily blogging. XD And oh yes, I also baked some yummy chocolate things.
Reading-wise, well a very good week, haha. Read so many fun books (and sadly also some disappointing ones) from both my stack and when that was mostly done read some manga (some new some re-reads).
What did I read from my TBR this week? Bad Things Happen Here (not what I expected… sighs), Neon’s Secret Universe (this was oodles of magical fun though there were one or two things I wasn’t a fan of), The Underpants of Chaos (hilarious, OMG), Loveboat Reunion (well, almost done, just a bit more but this one is SO GOOD), Mickey and the Missing Spy (this was just so much fun and I loved the new codes, new characters), Gelukkig Verloren (pretty nice/interesting), De grootste bankoverval (this was a struggle, way too many people to follow I just lost track).
I tried but sadly DNF-ed: What If It’s Us (meh), In Alle Staten (get an editor, my word, there were sentences that just didn’t make sense).
Here is a shiny new stack! All new library books! None of my owned books, because I really want to keep them all until my vacation.
And that is it for this week! Thank you all for reading and let’s cross fingers that it gets a bit cooler next week (here in my country it seems to go down a bit, but I don’t trust it until I feel it 😂). Let me know in the comments what looks good on my stack but I also want to know what your reading plans are for this upcoming week! Tell me! I hope everyone has a good weekend + a good week, stay safe, stay hydrated, don’t melt. ❤