Top 10 Books July 2022

Top 10 Books July 2022

Afternoon all!

Top 10 books, July 2022, Reading, Recommended

A warm summery welcome to a new Top 10 books post! This time I got to show you my fantastic books from July! dances

July was a pretty OK month, a bit hot for me and apparently my body really cannot regulate the heat anymore so I was mostly just grumpy, feeling sick, or melting. Not fun! But despite that I still had some fun, no worries! There was still plenty of fun activities to do. Plus, I had oodles of fun watching my garden bloom into all the pretty colours.

Reading-wise also a pretty OK month, I had several DNF sadly, I believe even more than normal. I guess not feeling fine also doesn’t help, my threshold for bullshit/boring stuff is much lower. XD

This month I had three 5+ starred books and twelve 5 starred books (not counting re-reads otherwise it would be fourteen 5 starred books).

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

Cryptid Club by Sarah Andersen , Comics, Cryptids, Funny
Hoe ging dat ook alweer? by Heidi Jaspers, Children's Book, Bike, Forest, Retelling, Fairy Tales, Children's Book, Silly, Funny,
MIGALI 1 – WELKOM OP DE KONINKLIJKE ACADEMIE, Alexander Arlène, Fabiën Öckto Lambert, Fantasy, School, Monsters, Funny, Comics, SIlly
Llama Destroys the World (A Llama Book) by Jonathan Stutzman, Heather Fox, Blue, Llama, Dancing, Cake, Pie, Turtles, Picture Book, Humour, Children's Book, Destroying the world
ReviewGaston (Gaston and Friends) by Kelly DiPucchio, Christian Robinson, Dog, Family, Cute, Picture Book, Chair, Bulldog, Poodle
Never Brush a Bear by Sam Hearn, Humour, Bear, Boy, Dreams, Animals, Children's Book, Grooming
The Underpants of Chaos by Sam Copeland (Goodreads Author), Jenny Pearson, children's book, mystery, underpants, humour, silly, Illustrations,
Taipei, Loveboat Reunion, Abigail Hing Wen, Young Adult, Romance, Boy, Girl, Gold,
Grün & Gold, Band 1 (Grün & Gold #1) by Lisa Brenner, LGBT, Graphic Novel, Boarding School, Young Adult
Mickey and the Missing Spy (Mickey and the Animal Spies #3) by Anne Miller, Becka Moor, Purple, Animals, Spies, Children's Book, Humour, Fun, Codes

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Books July 2022

    1. I would highly recommend this book then! It is in the same style as her Sarah Scribbles series. If you want something else by her in a slightly different style I would recommend Fangs.

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