Top Ten Tuesday #6: 19-7-2022: Freebie (Inflatables)
Evening all!
Welcome all! It’s been a while but here is a new Top Ten Tuesday! Whoo!!
Today was a freebie and I decided to go for a fun theme that fits with this hot weather. Namely inflatables. Inner tubes! Something I just love using whenever I am on my yearly vacation and the lake is nearby. This year I don’t just have my doughnut-shaped inner tube, but I also got an inflatable snake! I cannot wait to use both of these. Just a few more weeks! And with this hot weather (40C while writing this and around 30 when it will go up in the evening) I am just dreaming of something cool and refreshing so thinking about inflatables and a cold lake helps. Haha, I wish I could put up the kiddie pool but that requires two things. Go outside to set it up and go outside to sit in it. So I will just keep dreaming!
Most of the books on the list are ones I read, but there are a couple I would love to read/try out!
What is TTT?
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
Each week on Tuesday there is a topic and it is up to the bloggers to find books that fit that topic! It can be 10 books, but you can also do less. You may even do your own spin to it to make it more unique or to have it work better for yourself.