Review for Deceived

Review for Deceived

Deceived by Jade Madden, Thriller, Romance, Woman, Red Hair, Mystery, MurderI received this book from the author/BookSprout in exchange of an honest review.

😍Loved the cover. It is a simple one, but I love how big the title is and the girl just seems to go into it.
😍Faith was such a great character to follow though at times she made some decisions that had me scratching my head. I did think she was strong, though I also hope that, due to all the events in this book, learns to lean a bit more on her colleagues/partner. Yes, I can understand that people may think you are weak, but fuck them. You just got all sort of shit and danger and you are allowed to seek help. At least when things went off the rails with a certain thing she tried to get back on the rails again. I was so proud. I loved how she didn’t give up on things and just dug in deeper. This is one girl you don’t want on your case because she will keep on digging.
😍The mystery/murder got quite a bit scary at times. From scary notes in places you may not find notes to rocks being thrown in the middle of the night to someone stalking your home to gruesome murders.
😍Aaron/Aron was such a great character and I really liked him. He was like a father-figure at times for Faith but at other times they were just having such a fun banter going on that made me laugh. They really are a good duo, hopefully we will see more of Aaron in the next book. I would definitely love it. I know he is going to quit working, but I hope that at least one more book will be with him.
😍I loved that we got some more backstory on Faith. I always love it when we learn more and more about the character. It always gives me even more reason to root for them.
😍Then there is the shocking truth about a certain family member and I was gasping along with Faith. OMG. Did not expect that. Poor Faith! I can imagine that just flipped her world right over.
😍The ending, WOW. That was just exciting (is that the right word, I am trying to find the right English word) and I was so worried for Faith. I loved that we switched between Faith and Aaron.

😶Putting this in between the love and the not so love. I am not sure how I felt about the romance. It did bring some light-heartedness and that is what I liked, but at times I just wasn’t sure if it really fitted given the things that happened.

🙄I knew from the start who the culprit was. I was kind of hoping that maybe there would be a twist and then BOOM things would just flip over. However that didn’t happen. That person was just so sus. OK, yes, I didn’t guess who they really were/their relations, or well I totally hadn’t thought that was possible. XD
🙄 Instalove. People who know me know that I am not a fan of instalove. It just didn’t work here, especially not with how Faith was. She went from super serious with a dash of flirty to OMG, he is the man of my dreams and I LOVE HIM. I NEED HIM. He is my everything. It was just, no.
🙄 Again, just like the previous book, I am not a fan of the POV of a murder/stalker/creepy fucker. I really don’t get why it needs to be added. Because seriously, I just feel disgusted while reading it. Uncomfortable. Not happy. I am glad that, unlike the other book, it was at least not all the time. That was nice.

All in all, even with some lesser things I did enjoy this one greatly. I definitely found a series that I want to keep reading! I want to know what is next for Faith!

Star rating, 3.5 stars

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