Six for Sunday ~ 7-8-2022: Books and the seaside
Hey hey!
A beachy welcome to a new or well, old but new to me, Six for Sunday! Today we are going to the beach! Whoo!
I thought it would be fun to do a summery Six for Sunday and thankfully there are still plenty of prompts I haven’t done so I had fun searching for one that fitted with what I wanted! I found this one! Books and seaside and I just loved the sound of that! It is a prompt from July 21st of 2019! It was great fun going through lists and my own Goodreads to find some books, I hope everyone enjoys my choices. Let me know what you would have added to this Six for Sunday in the comments!
The Six for Sunday is made by Steph from Alittlebutalot. Each week features a new theme in which bloggers have to find 6 books/characters/other things.




