Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 21-8-2022 (Vacation Edition)

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 21-8-2022 (Vacation Edition)

Good afternoon all!

Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates Vacation edition! The last week is here and I am so sad! Vacation is really rushing by!

This week was a pretty fun week. Still pretty hot and mostly clammy instead of last week’s hot and a bit sticky. We did plenty of fun things. Visited the library in the city, a bit for books but actually for two comic expos that they had (one for Donald Duck and one for DC Comics). We went to places on our bicycles. Ate yummy pancakes. And so much more. Also A LOT of reading, haha. Any moment I can.

Still reading plenty of library books (just cannot resist especially as the ones around me have the novellas of books I wanted to read! But I did also read plenty of my own now!

What did I read last week from my TBR? Juffrouw Spinnewiel (haha, this was spookylicious and so much fun), Bloedhond (ohhhh spooky and scary but a bit conflicted on the ending), Bunny Monkey (a bit over the top but also laughed a lot and enjoyed it), De babysitter (this girl was SO DUMB), Een meesterlijk schot (swoon), A pocket guide to pigeon watching (fun fun and I learned so much), A ganster stole my trunks (not his trunks, but this book was oh oh oh so much fun and I laughed tons, great mystery as well), Tag You’re It (FAB), Witch (I could just slide right in despite not having read this one in a while, so much fun to see the girls again), Diagnose (a bit too medical at times, but this was fun and I was eager to find out what the real diagnosis was and if they could help people).

I tried and DNF? Dit wordt het ergste jaar van mijn leven (eh, couldn’t really get into it), Verpleegthuis (eh).

Here is a new stack with some left-over library books along with several own books that I would love to read this last week! Crossing fingers!

Thank you all for reading! So excited about these books and at the same time also sad that the last week is here. OK, next week I still got some free time, but I won’t be camping anymore. 🙁 Let me know in the comments what looks good about my stack and what I should read first + also let me know what your plans are! Have a great Sunday and a great week and stay safe!

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