Friday Face Off #14: 25-11-2022: fairy tales retold

Friday Face Off #14: 25-11-2022: fairy tales retold

Good evening!

A happy welcome to a new Friday Face Off! It is Friday! It is weekend flails and falls asleep.

This week we are going for books about fairy tale retellings. Now I am not too sure if this was a retelling or just a newly made fairy tale, but I will count it. It is one of my favourite books and I just love the characters, the growth, the magical feels, and more. Plus, it had some gorgeous covers!


What is Friday Face Off? It’s a memepost created by Books by Proxy and now hosted on Books and Travelling by Lynn! The rules are fairly simple each week, following a predetermined theme (list below) choose a book (this doesn’t have to be a book that you’ve read), compare a couple of the different covers available for that particular book and choose your favourite.

Today’s book is Princess Academy by Shannon Hale I am so excited to feature this book, once again, it is one of my favourites and the rest of the series is also fantastic. I just love seeing all the covers! For the English covers I went with the cover the book had when I started the series and then next the newest edition. And then I picked two other covers from other languages.
πŸ’•My Favourite!πŸ’•

This one! I just love the new editions with their sparkly and colourful covers.

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